Cost of Alpacas in Michigan For Sale. Looking to pay under $200 each. Sweet feed for goats provides extra calories to underweight, pregnant, or lactating does. The variation in prices is normal supply and demand pricing. If your interested in buying a goat try it helps you locate a goat breeder/seller near you. How much do goats eat based on breed, pregnancy and breeding season, weather, etc? Registered dairy goats from champion bloodlines can cost $250 for kids and $500-1000 for breeding-age does. Copy. how much does a fainting goat cost, Amber Waves Pygmy Goats For Sale How much does a goat cost, from the initial goat purchase and through its lifespan? For others, dose according to animal weight. Grain Costs. They all stay 24 hours a day until the job is done. The most common type of saddle is a cross buck, and is used to carry full loads of 25% to 30% of the goat's body weight. A free dairy cast-off may not be the best option, so expect to pay $200-500 for a good pack goat prospect. For goat bloat treatment, many owners keep baking soda for goats, which can also be administered for floppy kid syndrome. A free dairy cast-off may not be the best option for temperament and stamina, so expect to pay $200-500 for a good pack goat prospect. Jana We will come out and set up a electric fence if there is not already a fence. Please text for more... - We require that a kid be fully paid for once the decision for purchase and ship out of state is made. How long do goats live? The benefits of buying registered goats: breeders focus on animals that give the most milk from the least amount of feed while still maintaining health. How much does it cost to neuter a goat? Renting a goat costs between $400 and $800 per acre . 6 month old Weather You’ll pay a price commensurate with the amount of training the animal has had, it’s size, breeding, gender and a number of other factors. listing updated: 2 days ago, 3 Wethers available. Depending on availability and whether each year produced more bucklings than doelings, a San Clemente doeling is usually $400 and a buckling $300. There’s also a cost savings from using goats over other traditional weed control technology. Sheep And Goat Farm Insurance Michigan Policy Information. The price for the more popular cuts, the ones that sell out the fastest, will be higher, up to $33.00 per pound on the price lists I was able to find. Other kid costs could include early disbudding, which can be done by a veterinarian or at home with a $75 dehorning iron and some training. how much for a goat? Considered standard for all kids, and yearly for goats through adulthood, CDT shots for goats prevent clostridial diseases and cost around $11 for a bottle with 25 doses. Basically, the company shows up with a trailer full of goats. According to Internet Hay Exchange, the current average price of a bale of hay is around $109, and Alfalfa hay costs around $143.. The average goat proprietor spends around $400 setting up a shelter and a fenced area for a couple of goats. If a 150lb Nubian goat is never pregnant, lives in a mild climate, eats only hay (no sweet feed), and lives a long, healthy life, it will consume 216 bales of hay within 18 years. Our yard took Goats typically cost between $100 and $300 depending on factors such as breed, sex, and age. Our crew will clear about 1/4 acre per week. They are in ID). Found inside – Page 148do with scrupulous care , knowing full well Then a big , very fat Brahmin priest ... so the average family most people the killing of goats at the does not ... Plus, they're cuter than weedwackers. We will come out and set up a electric fence if there is not already a fence. Anything you can do yourself saves money at the veterinarian office. Goat prices range from 50-1000 dollars depending on the breed and where you buy it. Sort by reaction score Thread starter duckidaho; Start date Dec 28, 2009; 1; 2; Next. And goat lifespan. Found inside – Page 298All kinds of goats are in demand and mohair has advanced in price since I saw you in ... It would seem that , far from encouraging the farmers and growers ... The prices for high quality alfalfa hay average near $250 per dry matter (DM) ton with very little supply available. Livestock plays a vital role in the everyday lives of countless individuals. member: crazygoatlady Baking soda costs less than $1 per box and prevention costs less. from: Ypsilanti, Michigan how much do pygmy goats cost, Amber Waves Pygmy Goats For Sale If you intend to breed goats, be prepared for the costs of a cesarean section procedure and other goat labor problems. Typical Pygmy goat prices range from $150 to $500. However, neutered males and old pygmy goats can be as little as $50 – $100, while show winner Pygmy goats can be as much as a few thousand bucks. Pygmy goats are available for milk, meat and can also be kept as pets. The typical cost to keep a pygmy goat is around $30 – $40 per month. 1.3 Dog run. how much do pygmy goats cost, Amber Waves Pygmy Goats For Sale How much does it cost? Since you want to show goats, you should get does. Goats are ‘browsers’, whose diet consists of about 70 percent non-grassy species. Anything other than hay and forage should be considered a goat treat so it doesn’t upset the balance of goat minerals including phosphorus, which can cause urinary calculi in wethers. In general, what people can eat equals what goats can eat. Found inside – Page 121children happy, because they could keep playing games, parents were happy ... for the goats add a sizable dollar amount to cover some of the other costs of ... May 9, 2011. A pair of normal dimension goats need a minimum of 50-60 square feet of outside roaming area and 30 square feet of indoor sleeping space. from: Ypsilanti, Michigan $15.49 per pound. Adults or babys. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Since costs vary with age, growth and type of goat, we’ve got some figuring to do! Our miniature goats, although raised primarily as companion pets, can also be used as very productive family milkers. Doe kids will be available for $350, and little bucks will be $200. Baby Electronics Home Sports. The most used types of fiber goats are Angora, Pygora as well as Cashmere. Just as with horses, a well bred, well-trained, large, rideable/drivable donkey can cost several thousand dollars. When we offered shares at Quaker Farm, you first purchased a goat share(s) for $45.00 per share, per year. Silver, Blue Eyed Buck Kid. On craigslist anywhere from $12-$20. This can prevent numerous issues such as copper deficiency and selenium deficiency in goats. The goats are trained and completely self-contained with yards of high-grade electric fencing. listing updated: an hour ago, Hi i am looking for a breeding pair of full size fainting goats. Goats can digest urea, but it is highly unpalatable to them. Goat housing can be an old shed or barn, made from wood, or can be a converted trailer or anything else. If you have dosage questions regarding oxytetracyline for goats, or tylan for goats, call your veterinarian. The majority of the alpacas listed for sale in Michigan are listed on individual farm websites. An unregistered Nubian goat may be under $100 for a doeling and $200-300 for a doe in milk. - The buyer will need to figure the weight of goat (usually around 20-25 lbs at 10 weeks), weight of crate, and another 5 lbs for bedding, feed and water. Though goat bloat is deadly, prevention involves knowing the goat digestive system and recognizing goat bloat symptoms. Beth Dalbey, Patch Staff. 0. Timothy hay for goats is considered best, among many breeders, while they limit feeding goats alfalfa to sick or pregnant goats. Micro-organisms in the goat's rumen, or part of the goat's large intestine, use urea to produce protein. During cold weather, goats need even more hay to keep warm, as the rumination of stemmy material creates hit. Then, the goats trot happily out of the truck and into their fenced in ivy-filled enclosure. Required fields are marked *. Castrating older goats is a veterinarian procedure, costing $80 or more, and not all veterinarians do it. Keep goat mastitis treatment: penicillin or other antibiotics, intramammary infusions, and some chlorhexidine spray to disinfect any open orifices on the teats. A. Urea is a non-protein source of nitrogen commonly used for ruminants due to convenience, availability and low cost. Some people offer hay according to a goat feeding schedule while others offer free-choice so goats can take what they need when they need it. It's time to get a goat! Goat Biosecurity Testing. Wethers make good brush goats for hire because they’re not aggressive, won’t go into labor or injure udders while on the job, and are often the cheap or free castoffs from other projects. This time of year they do not want alfalfa and I am thankful. Those who are going to engage in goat breeding are primarily interested in the question of how much goat milk can yield for a certain period and which breeds Goat minerals vary from $20 for an 8lb bag to over $100 for 50lbs, all depending on the brand. You may find wethers, or does too old to breed, for even less. Weight of each male goat = 35 kg. The meat of a Boer goat does not taste as great if the goat weights over 100 pounds, so it sells for a lot less. Meat goats: In the Boer and Savanna goat world, extra bucklings don’t mean free goats. There isn’t a great local association that lists Michigan sales. The price of a goat varies with gender, breed, and overall show quality. It will take 5 … FYI – your entire barn will smell like burnt goat and it’s not pleasant, but disbudding is required for show goats. Customers may incur additional charges for purchases of multiple items or heavy items. if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepricer_org-medrectangle-4-0')}; Goats are very sociable creatures so they need at the very least be kept in groups. If your goats have an average of 2 kids each, you will need to vaccinate about 180 kids with the CDT Vaccine at 5 weeks old following a booster 3 weeks later- … member: shelbyhill32 And there may be a small amount of brush cutting that the goat wrangler will take care of by hand. Though many exotic breeds like Pakistani Beetal goats aren’t available stateside, you can contact Arapawa goat or San Clemente Island goat breeders through the Livestock Conservancy website or goat association pages. The price is only $6.00 per animal and is required at the time of service. Found inside – Page 7When the trees have been cut down the of goats would be particularly profitable as ... and that cut into two average Chicago worker who has sufficient inber ... The cost of goat meat when it is bought from the farmer and butchered will be around $6-$7 per pound. It is also much safer for the animals and their owners to remove horns, so I … If you are a raw-milk dairy, you can most likely use a homemade wooden stand. $250.00 for the pair.... member: jznglntlosb from: Lennon, Michigan 2) Goats can be loud. A good dairy cow provides almost five times that amount. Best Answer. ~60 lbs. Goat type doesn’t matter for weed-eating goats. This is why the smallest goat breeds are the most popular in urban and suburban areas. This will account for the portion of the plant that the goats do not eat. For a good quality doe, expect to pay somewhere from $ 100 to $ 500. In addition to a shelter, goats will need a firmly fenced area to wander about and forage in. Dairy goats: If you care about breeding or showing the best goats for milk, professional goat breeders offer the best quality, but at a higher price. But because of Savanna and Boer goat size, quick growth, and year-round heat cycles, meat goat farming can be a good investment. Found inside – Page 11733 1-2 Harrowingbeets , farm practice , Michigan and Ohio .... 748 16-18 , 33 sugar beet , methods and cost ... 726 42-45 sugar beets , methods and costs . I was wondering if anyone has crunched the numbers how much it costs per year to keep a goat ? How much can you charge customers? They explain how their operation got started, what a Boer goat is and how they care for their goats. Goats are immune to thorns & poison ivy, and they love eating them! The same antibiotics for goat pneumonia or listeriosis can also help an infection or injury. Goat polio treatment also includes listeriosis treatment for this reason. 1.1 Here are some thoughts for easy low-priced goat shelters that you can construct-. Also, in winter, pasture and forage may be inaccessible, so hay or pelletized goat food are the only options. A day-old calf cost $120 and was milk-fed for 60 to 80 days. Typical Pygmy goat prices range from $150 to $500. Treating goat bloat and toxicity can cost hundreds of dollars, whether or not the goat survives. Why do you want a goat? Found inside – Page 13The Goat , Hun Tactics and Michigan Pine Sidelights on National Legislation ... and put it into the Cincinnati market so much cheaper - thanks to the ... Goats are a great way to go, though, since they can eat the weeds and grass that you have around the property. Expect to pay between $50 and $100. Not only does livestock provide nourishment, but it's also the source of several essential products. RentAGoat™ employs professional goat herders to monitor and stay with the goats 24/7. Found inside – Page 148How much milk does a dairy goat give ? ... In one Michigan State test Nubian goat milk tested about 4.41 % ; Saanan , 4.18 % ; and Toggenburg , 3.54 % . how much does a fainting goat cost, Amber Waves Pygmy Goats For Sale Deals to avoid: If the goat price seems too good to be true (and even if it doesn’t), ask the seller about goat testing results. Goats are good farm workers, says a woman who rented a dozen to control weeds on her farm. I just made a batch of cheve’ from 2 gallons of goat milk (that’s two days worth of milk from our 2 does) and got almost 4 pounds of fresh cheve’. Great quality show winner goats can set you back as much as $1,000 or even more. They can go places that clearing machinery cannot. I have dairy goats & know goat care, etc. Wethers that receive adequate care and diet can outlive bucks and does, which may succumb to stresses of breeding and kidding. Instagram post 17951007292426094. member: duckgirl Great quality show winner goats can set you back as much as $1,000 or even more. How much does a goat cost to feed? Found inside – Page 190GOATS Medical Video Marketing , Inc. Cit . ... 1 1984 Price : Loan : Michigan State University , Instructional Media Center , Write for complete information ... A good quality young pigmy goat ranges in price from $150 to $400. Well for summer I am just used to mostly feeding what they feed themselves! Champion tested breeding bucks can top $1,000. Found inside – Page 123How can I mate the buck with the PURE BRED GOATS and a price that fluctuates much less than that of inferior stock . Well bred does ? It costs no more to ... The price will vary quite a lot, but a pure-bred Boer goat will typically sell for between $150-$400 USD. The cost of keeping a goat is about $30 – $50 monthly, while the preliminary setup costs for housing as well as fencing vary from $100-$5,000. “From what we can sleuth out, the goats had propped up on the fence boards to reach the top of a very tall thistle, and two of the fence boards gave way. Your email address will not be published. How much do Nigerian Dwarf goats cost? How much does a Boer goat cost? Learn sick baby goat symptoms such as weak limbs which mean white muscle disease from selenium deficiency in goats. size backyard that is severely overgrown cost between 200$ to $400. Before you Google “miniature baby goats for sale near me,” here’s a little quick research to determine whether you should buy a goat. Log in. Cows would be a completely different ball-game! We do not have the resources... Customers rent goats by the day. Goats need a shelter to sleep and get protection, a safe fenced location to forage and also exercise in, daily food and water, regular baths as well as periodical vet appointments and treatment. Shape prune your goat willow once a year during its dormant season, typically late winter to early spring before the new growth emerges. Alpine goats (including Toggenburg and Oberhasli goats): 8-12 years. Typically a CAE/CL test is about $25/goat for us which includes the shipping. The National Pygmy Goat Association is available to help new pygmy goat owners and future pygmy parents. We only do random testing now. If they do allow goats, more than likely they will have a size and/or weight limit. Goats will clear everything, except grass, from the ground to 5 feet. Market goats and kids totaled 478 thousand head, up 1 percent from a year ago. Our crew will clear about 1/4 acre per week. Total weight of All goats = 1675 kg. GrSire: Dreahook SA Gallium. How much do Nigerian Dwarf goats cost? Information on how to acquire a feed license to manufacture or distribute commercial feed in Michigan. Found inside – Page 379A Michigan State University study indicates that it may cost $ 500 to $ 600 a ... Today's high costs of production and high interest rates do not leave much ... WHOLE, NOT cut up (If you need more than one Goat please give us a call 888-788-7441) OUT OF STOCK. Found insideAt that joint's prices, she'd have to eat cheeseburgers in Billy Goat's. ... Sianis put a hex on the team as his vengeance, claiming they would ... Found inside – Page 7... beet fields , methods and cost . 735 17-18 Does , goat , care during kidding season . 749 19-26 Dragging , beets , farm practice , Michigan and Ohio . This is the method I use and I find it works pretty well. OUT OF STOCK each order is for ONE WHOLE GOAT of the chosen weight. member for: a year Go Offroad Armor Tech (GOAT) Magnetic Panels Review. Our goats came with their own guard dog, a Great Pyrenees named George. Hay Costs. Goats are generally used for three purposes: meat, hair/fiber, and milk. The cost should take into account daily expenses plus around 10% (or more) as a profit margin. Miniature goats including myotonic (fainting) goats, Nigerian Dwarf, and Pygmy goats: 12-15 years. Goatscaping cost- $8 rental per day, per goat. The does usually top out at 40-60 lbs while the bucks typically average 55-75 lbs. Calculated annually, we spend $23 per doe for hay. Can goats eat apples? (Privacy Policy) *, © 2021, Countryside - All Rights Reserved. Found inside – Page 7... beet fields , methods and cost . 735 17-18 Does , goat , care during kidding season . 749 19-26 Dragging , beets , farm practice , Michigan and Ohio . If you want a goat that has specific colors or patterns, you might have to pay extra. Please... The cost of a goat that is old ranges from totally free to $50. She will also produce one baby (kid) per year which you can sell, use for meat or raise to produce more milk. Learning how to neuter a goat using goat castration bands lowers the cost to $20 for the band castration tool, less than $10 for a bag of 25 elastic rings, and $0.50 each for a dose of CDT vaccine at banding time (to prevent tetanus in goats) and another shot a month later. Sire: Story Tails GA Lord Rhoop. Goat colostrum replacer costs $22 for nine feedings and goat milk replacer is $25 for 32-128 feedings, depending on goat age and breed/size. The avg. Some goat dairies give away Alpine or Nubian goat bucklings for free. The price of a goat varies from free to $5000, depending on the breed, type, age, gender, and also the quality of the goat. How much does it cost to rent goats? Trim branches to about 1/4 inch above a leaf bud that faces the outside of the goat willow tree. That is us taking the goat(s) to the vet for pre-purchase specs. Removing a plant’s leaves eventually starves the roots. 3 months ago. ft.) down to the woody canes and vines which can be cut and removed. member for: 2 months Required fields are marked *, Our new category, let’s see the weirdest things you can buy online and at what prices,, There is also BioTracking (not sure about name. listing updated: 6 hours ago, Pure bred Nigerian Dwarf kids. Currently, purchasing water-soluble or feed-based goat antibiotics involves contacting a veterinarian for a prescription. A healthy female goat (doe) will produce about three quarts of milk a day for ten months out of the year. Goat testing costs range from $150, if done by a veterinarian, to $7 per test if you draw the blood and mail it to a lab. Breed Associations. As far as pets go, Nigerian Dwarf goats are relatively inexpensive. Prices per bale vary from $5 to $20 (up to $35 in Hawaii), depending on location, season, and if anything such as flooding happened to compromise a crop. from: Paw Paw, Michigan The typical cost of a bale of hay changes a lot even within a year. Nevertheless, the cost of goat milk varies greatly depending on the area and also if it is organic or not. member: dnshmhtcdsm Goat rental companies typically charge by the acre, and many established companies won’t do yards smaller than that. This is bulk grain, not retail. I know there are some variables but any general ideas? Often, it depends on what is available. The cost of vasectomy will typically cover your initial consultation, the actual vasectomy procedure, anesthesia, and follow-up semen analyses (you may need to have two to three of … Found inside – Page 15DO NOT include animals quartered in feedlots which are not a part of " THIS ... the cost of cattle , calves , hogs , pigs , sheep , lambs , goats , horses ... member for: a year Our goats are rented out for a week at a time and the cost depends on the area which to be cleared, the location of the job, and the size of the set up. Text for more info and to come get them ... listing updated: an hour ago, Friendly 3 yrs old healthy pygmy, comes from good bloodline. Prices per bale vary from $5 to $20. Instagram post 17897534629985342. Meat goats are generally marketed by weight, so their rate differs relying on goat meat costs in their area; average meat goat price is $1-$2 per pound. ∙ 2011-05-23 05:27:23. ~30 lbs. However, it is important to realize a few things, (especially if you are squeamish), before committing to this approach. Goat registration adds additional costs, but it’s a good return on your investment if you plan on breeding goats and offering baby goats for sale. Expect to pay $500 for a registered, purebred miniature goat. How does a goat yoga business make money? Post author: Post published: June 28, 2021 Post category: Uncategorized Post comments: 0 Comments 0 Comments Find out in this video what a goat costs and what to expect to spend to bring home your first goats. About 80 percent of the calves were sold privately for about $400 apiece, or $3.50 per dressed pound. If you just want a pet, you may find a $20 buckling from a breeder. Prices per 100lb hay bale vary from $5 to $20 (up to $35 in Hawaii). Cephaperin sodium infusions cost $5 apiece, or $42 for a pack of 12, and must be given every 12 hours. The pack rig consists of the saddle (wood or metal), saddle pad, and panniers (carrying bags). I was looking into Angora or maybe cashmere goats & wondered what they cost? Located in Sherwood Michigan!!! That doubles your goat food bill. On average, goat cheese at your local grocery store is going to cost anywhere from $1 to $4 per ounce. The Nigerian Dwarf goat is a miniature goat of West African origin. from: Ossineke, Michigan The goats will arrive and go straight to work! A goat consumes 2% of its body weight in hay, per day. This method is cheap, (about $25 to buy enough stuff to do 25 bucklings); easy to do for new goat owners; and generally highly effective. How much are goats from these rare breeds? When Susan Basquin's brother suggested they join forces and develop an Angora goat farm on Washington Island in Lake Michigan, Susan jumped at the chance. Found inside – Page 50THE DOG FANCIER, Battle Creek, Michigan. ... Milk goATs MILK GOATS-mature does and young stock. ... MINNESOTA WILD RICE SEED–Write for special prices. Alpines have great personalities and make really good herd leaders. 1 intact young -black & white (6ish months) -Kane Brown I've seen it for $24 a gallon from a local dairy at the grocery. Conservation and special projects: Have you heard about a heritage goat breed that needs saving and you want to help? Price of total animal cost = 250 x1675 = 4,18,750 (Four lakh eighteen thousand and seven hundred fifty) Goat Farming Cost and Profit – Cost of Feed/Fodder:- The following is about feed consumption cost calculation. Stay up to date and write down the CDT dosage for goats on a goat vaccination schedule chart. 1.4 Wood body shelter. Goats eat 140 sq ft per goat per day. Found inside – Page 86Nanny , says quantity production and brought price of goat milk must come Journal ... 50 cents Association , " is immune from immune from of the average man ... Boer goat costs range from $60 to $2,000; nonetheless, average Boer goat rates are around $80 – $150. That depends on the goat breed, location, whether or not it’s registered, and if the market is currently saturated with that type of goat. One Response to How much does a goat cost? That means a 100lb bale of hay should last 45 days for a 110lb goat or 25 days for a pregnant goat. Goat yoga businesses charge customers either per class or for package deals. We have 3 Hampshire sheep that we are looking to sell. But keep in mind that many of these goat medications are off-label, which means they will not list goat dosage information. You can start milking doe relatively shortly after she has freshened. 1.2 Cattle panel and tarp Quonset hut. Oct 15, 2020 - How much do a goats cost? The cost of raising goats differs depending on location, how many goats are being raised together, the pastureland the goats have to graze on as well as the breed of goats. 518-686-8299 Facebook. Expect to pay $600 for a quality, registered Boer goat doe and $1200 for an untested buckling from good breeding lines. Joined Jan 6, 2010 Messages 464 How much does a pygmy goat cost? WEST MICHIGAN’S LARGEST FAMILY FUN CENTER. Found inside – Page 22The same would be true in any new section , but the need for the goat would diminish as soon ... These we will sell at prices that will do the buyer good . In addition to adequate feed, provide goat minerals at all times. For some medications, you must contact a veterinarian to obtain a dosage. Registered Nubian goats, from champion bloodlines, can cost $250 as week-old kids and to $500-1000 for a breeding-age doe. from: Big Rapids, Michigan Also familiarize yourself with what not to feed goats, including poisonous plants for goats. New England cropland lease rates can range from $40 per acre/year to $300 per acre/year. ***NO BABIES WILL BE READY UNTIL OCTOBER, NO BABIES ARE SOLD AS BOTTLE BABIES*** Found inside – Page 52Payment could be authorized up to 80 percent of the actual cost , not to exceed ... Eligible livestock included cattle ( dairy and beef ) , sheep , goats ... Safe fencing for goats varies in price from just a few bucks to a few thousand dollars depending upon the kind of fencing utilized and the dimension of the area being fenced. Other hay types (e.g., alfalfa/grass, straw and grass hay with lower quality are available in all bale sizes and types and range from $100 to $200 per DM ton. Castrating older goats costs $80 or more from a veterinarian, but banding goats lowers the cost to $20 for the band castration tool, less than $10 for 25 elastic rings, and $0.50 per a dose of CDT vaccine. Some of the most known sorts of meat goats are Boer, Pygmy, Spanish as well as Myotonic. listing updated: 20 hours ago, Please Read ENTIRE Ad Before Inquiring! Also read about the cost of: hedgehogs, hamsters, finger monkeys, and turtles. Deworming medications usually aren’t expensive, but frequency of use can depend on other factors such as location and pasture management. Found inside – Page 136In rough portions of the Alps goats are often kept and their rich milk used with skimmed cow's southern Santa Cruz ... Average price . the open range . BILLY GOAT Equipment : Browse BILLY GOAT Equipment for Sale on *Prices based on research conducted late 2019, using average ranges that represent multiple brands and breeds. Find a source of what to feed an orphaned baby goat, which means colostrum replacer and milk replacer if you don’t have another doe in milk. If you're thinking about investing in one of these creatures, it's very helpful to know how much goats actually cost. If you just want a Pygmy goat pet, you may find a $20 buckling that doesn’t fit within someone’s breeding plan. how much does a fainting goat cost. CD&T shots for goats cost about $11 for a bottle with 25 doses and a goat pneumonia vaccine costs about $7 for 10 doses. Breeders can be found online, at livestock fairs as well as farmers’ markets, and in livestock areas in classified ads in newspapers and on classified advertisements sites. Boer goats are a great breed and a great option as a pet, so let’s look at the cost of buying a Boer goat. Breeds & Breeding - Goats. Goat colostrum replacer costs around $22 for up to nine feedings, necessary for the first 18 hours of life, and after that goat milk replacer is around $25 for eight pounds (depending on the brand), which provides 32-128 feedings, depending on goat age and breed/size.

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