ing" and "porosity" interchangeably, most of the methods developed to determine hair damage are geared toward measuring swelling rather than porosity. Calculate the volume of a dry sample immersed in mercury pycnometer. The porosity of a sample is equal to the âareal porosityâ provided that pore structure is random. A method of determining the gain volume is crushing the sample after determining the bulk volume, thus removing all pores including the non-interconnecting ones. These analyses provided cumulative porosity curves from which the pore size distribution of soil samples were estimated. Theory was developed to estimate the effective porosity of a compacted soil material based upon a model of its pore size %%EOF There are methods to measure the pore volume of the rock sample directly with no need to determine the grain volume. Porosity and permeability are related properties of any rock or loose sediment. It controls fluid storage in aquifers, oil and gas fields and geothermal systems, and the extent and connectivity of the pore structure control fluid flow and transport through geological formations, as well as the relationship between the properties of individual minerals and the bulk properties of the rock. 0000167649 00000 n H��Wێ�H}���Ǭ��馹IQ��$Z���D�D�ժ��� �43��oUs��`�$�������U�T/���w�O�����W���GQ����PF��A���8�:y��U��$�u�DP$���¾\��z-��z��öl�������7����v`� ����_w��_�֟�~���[|\/>~�TNٱ&�^��_ {���y�����m�M�����m�����_���ߏ�oa�餘�ҋg�O$��k�9x��:ax E���Gq�E�(�ĐKrK�_2�m��y�_Qǔ��]>F�X}����1���|��e����At��]��l��S,˪�� �Di�8/}�6U���?�o!S����y��%z�#��8נv �TIjд���2�O;��zV(lVC+-S8(Pd[�t_��8kL���}�z���_Ca�d��u�2�]������tj�x�u�����o�e?�l���`�2d� Utilizing the density of the liquid we can find the imbibed fluid volume and subsequently the effective porosity of the sample. Sign up and NOW to receive the latest news, updates and technological advancements made for the Special Core Analysis & Enhanced Oil Recovery Industry, Fundamentals of Fluid Flow in Porous Media, Determination of Fluid Saturation from Rock Sample, Capillary Pressure versus Wetting Phase Saturation in Rock, Effect of Pore Geometry on Capillary Pressure, Dominance of Capillary Forces over Viscous Forces, Laboratory Measurement of Capillary Pressure, Contact Angle Hysteresis During Displacement, Averaging Capillary Pressure Data (Leverett J-Function), Laboratory Measurements of Relative Permeability, Empirical Correlations of Relative Permeability, Comparison Between Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability, Two Phase Relative Permeability Literature Survey, Conductivity and Permeability, the Main Algorithm, Relative Permeability in Two-Phase Systems, Relative Permeability in Three-Phase Systems, Drainage and Imbibition Relative Permeabilities, Methods of Relative Permeability Measurements, Effects of Low IFT or Nca on Relative Permeability, Effects of Temperature on Relative Permeability, Effects of Flow Rate on Relative Permeability, Effects of Viscosity on Relative Permeability, Relative Permeability of Heavy Oil Systems, Diffusion Coefficient as a Function of Concentration, Application of Low Field NMR in Diffusion Measurements, Diffusivity Investigation Using CAT Scanning, Water Injection Oil Recovery Calculations, Vertical and Volumetric Sweep Efficiencies, Review of Gravity Related Oil Recovery Studies, Pressure-Temperature Diagram (P-T Diagram), Experimental Investigation of the Miscibility Effect on the Final Oil Recovery, Fluid Properties in Miscible Displacement, Factors Affecting Displacement Efficiency of Miscible Displacements, Optimization of Vertical Miscible Flood Performance Through Cyclic Pressure Pulsing, The Equation of Continuity in Porous Media, Solutions to the One-Dimensional Convection-Dispersion Model, Determination of the Dispersion Coefficient, Factors Influencing Capacitance Model Parameters, Scaling Capacitance Model Parameters to the Field, The Convection-Dispersion Model with Adsorption, 1H Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Rigid Polymeric Solids, 3-D Visualization of Soil Macroporosity Using X-ray CAT Scanning, A Business Process for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery Research and Development, A comparison of Experimental and Predicted Bubble Characteristics of a Linear Low Density Polyethylene, A Fluidized Bed Photoreactor Exploiting a Supported Photocatalyst with Adsorption Pre-concentration Capacity, A Hybrid Approach on Predicting the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Porous and Nanoporous Media, A Hybrid Methodology to Predict Gas Permeability in Nanoscale Organic Materials; a Combination of Fractal Theory, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Boltzmann Transport Equations, A New Method for Group Analysis of Petroleum Fractions in Unconsolidated Porous Media, A New Unified Diffusion-Viscous Flow Model Based on Pore Level Studies of Tight Gas Formations, A Non-invasive Hydrodynamic Study of Gas-Solid Fluidised Bed of Linear Low Density Polyethylene, A Novel Method for the Estimation of the Recoverable Reserves in oil Reservoirs Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry, A Novel Method of Sand Consolidation Through Bacteriogenic Mineral Plugging, A Novel Technique to Characterize Hydrodynamics and Analyze Performance of a Fluidized Bed Photocatalytic Reactor for Wastewater Treatment, A Pipe-Loop Apparatus to Investigate Asphaltene Deposition, A Review on Steam-Solvent Processes for Enhanced Heavy Oil/Bitumen Recovery, A Simulation and Experimental Study of the Hydrodynamics of a Bubbling Fluidized Bed of Linear Low Density Polyethylene Using Bubble Properties and Pressure Fluctuations, A Study of Improving Reservoir Conformance Using Polymer Gels in Producer Wells, A Theoretical Study on the Permeability of Tight Media; Effects of Slippage and Condensation, A Two-Domain Approach Using CAT Scanning to Model Solute Transport in Soil, Accurate Water-Cut Measurement for Thermal Operations, Addressing the Clay/Heavy Oil Interactions when Interpreting Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs, Advances in Carbonate Characterization Using Low Field NMR, Advances in Diffusivity Measurement of Solvents in Oil Sands, Advances in Heavy Oil â Water Property Measurements Using Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Advances in Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry for Heavy Oil and Bitumen Characterization, Advances in Oil and Water Saturation Measurements Using Low Field NMR, Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer (ASP) Foams: Laboratory Investigation of its Displacement Mechanisms, An Analytical Model for the Determination of Effective Heat Conduction of Nanofluids, An Evaluation of the Application of Low Field NMR in the Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs, An Evaluation of the Application of Low-Field in the Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs, An Experimental and Simulation Study of the Hydrodynamics of Linear Low Density Polyethylene, An Expert System for the Network Modelling of Pore Structure and Transport Properties of Porous Media, An Investigation Into the Effects of Pore Connectivity on T2 NMR Relaxation, Analysis of Gamma-Ray Imaging Data to Describe Hydrodynamic Properties of Gas-Polyethylene Fluidized Beds, Analysis of Gas-Solid Fluidised Bed Pressure Fluctuations for Different Particle Size Distributions of a Linear-Low-Density Polyethylene Resin, Application of Gamma Camera Imaging and SPECT Systems in Chemical Processes, Application of Improved Oil Recovery Methods to Offshore Oil Fields: A New Philosophy, Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Permeability Models in Tight Reservoirs, Application of the Conjugate Gradients Method in the Simulation of Relative Permeability Properties of Porous Media, Applications of Computer Assisted Tomography in the Quantitative Characterization of Porous Rocks, Applications of Low Field NMR Techniques in the Characterization of Oil Sand Mining, Extraction and Upgrading Processes, Assessing the Water Uptake of Alberta Coal and the Impact of CO2 Injection with Low-Field NMR, Assessment of Porous Media Wettability Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Assessment of Soil Wettability Alteration Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology, Bituminous Ore Characterization by Integrating Low-Field NMR with Density and Particle Size Distribution Measurements, Bug Rock: Bacteriogenic Mineral Precipitation Systems for Oil Patch Use, Capillary Number Correlations for Gas-Liquid Systems, Carbonate Rock Wettability Interpreted from Capillary Pressure and Imbibition Resistivity Index Analysis, CFD Modeling and Validation of Bubble Properties of a Bubbling Fluidized Bed, Challenges in UV/H2O2/Photocatalysis for Water Purification, Challenges of Photocatalysis for Water Purification, Characteristics of Soil Under Variations in Clay Content and Compaction Pressure, Characterization of a Heavy Oil Reservoir Using Computer Assisted Tomography of Core Material, Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs Using the Ultracentrifuge, Characterization of Crosslinked Gel Kinetics and Gel Strength Using NMR, Characterization of Macropore Morphology in a Sandy Loam Soil Using X-ray Computer Assisted Tomography and Geostatistical Analysis, Characterization of Oil Sands Tailings using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Technique, Characterization of Semicrystalline Polymers using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Characterization of Solute Breakthrough and Preferential Flow in Intact Soil Columns Using X-ray CAT Scanning, Characterizing Moisture and Gas Content of Coal by Low-Field NMR, Chromatographic Separation and Liquid Drop-out in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs, Clarifying the Contribution of Clay Bound Water and Heavy Oil to NMR Spectra of Unconsolidated Samples, Co-current and Counter-current Imbibition Analysis for Tight Fractured Carbonate Gas Reservoirs, Coal Bed Characterization Studies with X-ray Computerized Tomography (CT) and Micro-CT Techniques, Coal Characterization and Transport Phenomena in Coalbeds, Coal Characterization in CBM/ECBM Processes Using X-Ray CT Analysis, Combination of NMR and Ultracentrifuge Techniques for Effective Carbonate Reservoir Characterization, Comparison of 2-D and 3-D CFD Simulations of Bubbling Fluidized Beds with X-ray Fluoroscopy and Imaging Experiments, Comparison of the Behavior of Glass-beads and Polyethylene Fluidized Beds through Flow Visualization with X-ray Tomography, Computation of Holdups in Fluidized Beds and Trickle Beds by Computer Assisted Tomography, Computed Tomography Study of VAPEX Process in Laboratory 3D Model, Computer Assisted Tomography as a Complementary Tool to Well Logging, Computer Assisted Tomography: From Qualitative Visualization to Quantitative Core Analysis, Core Wettability as Determined Using Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, CT-Scan Sinogram Measurements to Study Dynamic Fluidized Bed Properties, Data Driven Production Forecasting of Unconventional Wells with Apache Spark, Design and Commissioning of a High-Pressure High-Temperature X-ray Transparent Fluidization Apparatus, Design of a Gravity Assisted Immiscible Gas Injection Program for Application in a Vuggy Fractured Reef, Design Strategies for Improved Conformance Using Polymer Gels, Determination of Biotâs Effective Stress Coefficient for Permeability of Nikanassin Sandstone, Determination of Bubble Diameter and Axial Velocity for a Polyethylene Fluidized Bed Using X-ray Fluoroscopy, Determination of Microgeometry and Flow in Porous Rocks: Implications for the Petroleum Industry, Determination of Mud Invasion Characteristics of Sandstone Reservoirs Using a Combination of Advanced Core Analysis Techniques, Determination of Oil and Water Compositions of Oil/Water Emulsions Using Low Field NMR Relaxometry, Determination of Physical Properties of Tight Porous Media Using Digital Core Physics/Analysis, Determination of Saturation Profiles in Highly Heterogeneous Gas & Oil Reservoirs Using NMR Logging, Determination of Stress Strain Characteristics of Sand Packs Under Uniform Loads by the Use of Computer Assisted Tomography and Finite Element Modelling, Determination of Sulphur Saturation in Dolomitic Sour Gas Reservoir Using Computer Assisted Tomography, Determining Bitumen, Water and Solid Contents in Oil Sand by Using Low-Field NMR, Determining Diffusivity, Solubility and Swelling for Gaseous Solvent-Heavy Oil Systems, Development of Coalbed Methane in Australia: Unique Approaches and Tools, Development of New Photo-catalytic Methods and Reactors for Waste Water Treatment, Diffusion Coefficient of n-Alkanes in Heavy Oil, Diffusion of Hydrocarbon Gases in Heavy Oil and Bitumen, Diffusivity of Gas Into Bitumen: Part IâAnalysis of Pressure-Decay Data With Swelling, Direct Geometrical Simulation of Pore Space Evolution and Hydrate Dissociation in Methane Hydrate Reservoirs, Direct Pore-level Examination of Hydraulic Electric Analogy in Porous Media, Direct Pore-Level Examination of Hydraulic Electric Analogy in Porous Media, Disinfecting E-Coli Bacteria in Drinking Water Using a Novel Fluidized Bed Reactor, DyMAS: A Direct Multi-Scale Pore-Level Simulation Approach, Dynamic Flow Behavior Measurements in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds Using Different Non-Intrusive Techniques and Polyethylene Powder, Early Regional Adaptation of Periarticular Bone Mineral Density after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury, Effect of Clay Composition on Irreducible Water Saturation, as Determined Using Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Effect of Particle Shape on Fluidized Bed Hydrodynamics Using X-ray Tomography and Pressure Measurement, Effect of Particle Tethering and Scale-up on Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer in Three-Phase Fluidized Beds of Light Particles, Effect of Porous Media Topology on Foamed Gel Performance as Demonstrated by Flow Visualization Studies, Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Contact Angle, Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Contact Angle and Interfacial tension of Quartz-Water-Bitumen Systems, Effect of the Presence of Sand on Solvent Diffusion in Bitumen, Effective Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Two-Phase Saturated Porous Media, Effective Thermal Conductivity Assessments of an Oil Sand Reservoir, Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide in a Fluidized Bed Photocatalytic Reactor for Wastewater Purification, Effects of Surface Roughness and Mineral Heterogeneity on Pore-Scale Steam Condensation, Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery by Alkali-Suractant Flooding, Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery on Depleted Long Core System by CH4 and CO2, Enhanced Oil Recovery by Inert Gas Injection, Enhanced Recovery by Injection of Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide Mixtures in Tight Reservoirs: A Combination of Partial Pressure Reduction and Competitive Adsorption, Enhanced Recovery in Tight Gas Reservoirs Using Maxwell-Stefan Equations, Estimation of Bitumen and Clay Content in Fine Tailings, Estimation of Bitumen and Solids Content in Fine Tailings Using Low-Field NMR Technique, Estimation of Diffusion Coefficients in Bitumen Solvent Mixtures as Derived from Low Field NMR Spectra, Estimation of Diffusion Coefficients in Bitumen Solvent Mixtures Using X-ray CAT Scanning and Low Field NMR, Estimation of Gas Absorption and Diffusion Coefficients for Dissolved Gases in Liquids, Estimation of Residual Gas Saturation from Different Reservoirs, Evaluating Diffusivity of Toluene in Heavy Oil Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Evaluating Effects of Grain Statistics, Porosity and Saturation on Thermal Conductivity of Oil Sands, Evaluation of Bitumen-Solvent Properties Using Low Field NMR, Evaluation of Diffusion of Light Hydrocarbon Solvents in Bitumen, Evaluation of Gas Saturation During Water Imbibition Experiments, Evaluation of Heavy Oil / Bitumen â Solvent Mixture Viscosity Models, Evaluation of Non-thermal EOR Techniques for Heavy Oil Production, Evolution of Foamed Gel Confined in Pore Network Models, Experimental Flow Measurements of a Spouted Bed Using Pressure Transducers and X-Ray CT Scanner, Experimental Investigation of PVT Properties of Foamy Oil, Experimental Measurement of Diffusion Coefficient of CO2 in Heavy Oil Using X-Ray Computer-Assisted Tomography under Reservoir Conditions, Experimental Measurements and CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamics of a Spouted bed, Experimental Observations of Miscible Displacement of Heavy Oils with Hydrocarbon Solvents, Experimental Studies of Thermally Induced Deformation and Fracture Generation in Clay Shale, Experimental Study of Gas Solvent Flooding for Lloydminster Heavy Oil Reservoirs, Experimental Study of Heavy Oil Recovery Mechanisms during Cyclic Solvent Injection Processes, Experimental Study of the Mechanisms in Heavy Oil Waterflooding using Etched Glass Micromodel, Field Trials of a Low Field NMR Water Cut Metering Device, Flow Visualization Studies of the Effect of Foamed Gel Microstructure on Gas-Blockage Effectiveness and Its Importance on Foamed Gel Trapping in Porous Media, Fluid Quantification in Oil Sands Using 2-D NMR Spectroscopy, Fundamental Hydrodynamic Study Measurements in a Laboratory Scale Three Phase Fluid Bed Column, Fundamentals of Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in a Three-Phase Fluidized Bed System, Gas Generation and its Benefits in the Grosmont Reservoir during Thermal Recovery Process, Gas Recharging Process Study in Heavy Oil Reservoirs, Gas-Solids Flow Behavior from X-ray Computed Tomography and Pressure Fluctuation Measurements in Various Fluidized Bed Systems, Heavy Oil Fluid Testing with Conventional and Novel Techniques, Heavy Oil Recovery Mechanisms by Surfactant, Polymer and SP in a Non-linear System, Heavy Oil Waterflooding: Effects of Flow Rate and Oil Viscosity, Heterogeneity Analysis of Oil Sands Cores, Hydrodynamics in a Gas-Solids Fluidized Bed Using X-ray Fluoroscopy and Pressure Fluctuation Measurements, Hydrodynamics of a Spouted Bed from Pressure Fluctuation Series and X-Ray CT Images, Hydrodynamics of Gas-Solids Bubbling Fluidized Beds Using Polyehtylene Resin, Immiscible Flow of Viscous Oil and Water in Porous Media: A Network Simulation Study, Improved Core Analysis Measurements in Low Permeability Tight Gas Formations, Improved Heavy Oil Recovery by Low Rate Waterflooding, Improved Methods for Estimating the Viscosity of Heavy Oils from Magnetic Resonance Data, Improved Recovery Potential in Mature Heavy Oil Fields by Alkali-Surfactant Flooding, In Situ Viscosity of Heavy Oil: Core and Log Calibrations, In-Situ Heavy Oil Viscosity Prediction at High Temperatures Using Low-Field NMR Relaxometry and Nonlinear Least Squares, In-situ Viscosity of Oil Sands Using Low Field NMR, In-situ Viscosity Using Low Field NMR: A Field Case Study, Influence of Wettability on Foamed Gel Mobility Control Performance in Unconsolidated Porous Media, Insights into Heavy Oil Recovery by Surfactant, Polymer and ASP Flooding, Insights into Non-Thermal Recovery of Heavy Oil, Interpretation of CT-scan Sinograms to Study the Dynamic Flow Properties of a Fluidized Bed, Introduction to Applications of 1H Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Rigid Solids, Investigating the Diffusivity and Swelling in Propane-Heavy Oil Systems Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Investigating the Effects of Gas Type and Operation Mode in Enhanced Gas Recovery in Unconventional Reservoirs, Investigation into the Mechanisms of Heavy Oil Recovery by Waterflooding and Alkali Surfactant Flooding, Investigation into the Processes Responsible for Heavy Oil Reservoir Recovery by Alkali-Surfactant Flooding, Investigation of CO2 Diffusivity in Heavy Oil Using X-ray Computer-Assisted Tomography under Reservoir Conditions, Investigation of Critical Capillary Number for Gas-Water System Through Experiment and Reservoir Simulation, Investigation of Diffusion Coefficients of Heavy Oil and Hydrocarbon Solvent Systems in Porous Media, Investigation of Liquid Imbibition Mechanisms Using NMR, Investigation of Physical Properties of Porous Rocks and Fluid Flow Phenomena in Porous Media Using Computer Assisted Tomography, Investigation of Post-Breakthrough Heavy Oil Recovery by Water and Chemical Additives Using Hele-Shaw Cell, Investigation of the Effect of Overburden Pressure on Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir Core Properties.
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