�،}��m�{��3�3E3u1�j�X����!a�00�,��t����x�4�&'ܝ�́� ��* ��#~ A Risk and Controls Scoring Tool (in Excel) utilising 24 inherent risk questions and 60 control questions to calculate the organisation's quantitative risk rating. This assessment focused on the risk our business operations may pose to individuals’ rights in terms of severity and likelihood, based on external research and experience. Hence, it is crucial to conduct due diligence on everyone in your supply chain. Indicators of modern slavery A combination of these signs may indicate a person is in a situation of modern slavery and that further investigation and assessment is required. accountable for addressing modern slavery issues in operations and supplier contracts and have nominated a specified individual to be responsible for co-ordinating the management of this risk. We have partnered with the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply to develop the modern slavery content in their ethical procurement e-learning and test. The template is a self-assessment questionnaire, in Excel format, used to collect data on human trafficking and modern slavery-related risks in the supply chain. Integrated Modern Slavery assessment and assistance from a team of experts from Legal, Risk & ... elements of a comprehensive approach to managing modern slavery risk, which we have outlined below. Found inside[A] Human Trafficking The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ... (c) conduct due diligence to understand the risks inherent in their business operations ... modern slavery risk assessments so they can put this into practice in their departments. Indicators of modern slavery A combination of these signs may indicate a person is in a situation of modern slavery and that further investigation and assessment is required. You should also consider that some groups may be at higher risk of being impacted by modern slavery, such as women and migrant workers. At the NRMA, we recognise that slavery and human trafficking can occur in many forms, as considered in the Act. The Modern Slavery Act requires reporting on risks and the actions to address these. This statement is made pursuant to s.54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Slavery and Human Trafficking statement for the financial year to 31 December 2020. Responding to modern slavery requires taking a human rights-based approach to risk. Found inside – Page 292For example, compliance with the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act (which ... as global supply chains are at high risk for modern slavery exploitation. The STRT is designed to meet the need for a universally-accepted template among global supply chains. efresher training, stakeholder r mapping, labour provider due diligence checks, raising issues and access to remedy • All UK sites completed the updated risk assessment process to identify areas of MODERN SLAVERY LAWS If a victim of modern slavery is threatened with homelessness or is homeless this significantly increases their risk to being re-trafficked or exposed to further exploitation. First reports are expected in 2020 within six month of the entity’s reporting year and are required to be signed off by the entity’s principal governing body. Get started with our templates for Legal, People and HR, Finance and Tax, Risk and Compliance, Information Security, Procurement and more. We work with workers at risk of modern slavery to help them know and access their rights. h��W�n�6�>�he�2��Xp.�.�݇x��؊#ԑYn��CRI��6���e���3g$�g:cRjf8#ʘ��bF2�3� .3Ą0(5*�`�qΌeB�Y� k%3X�c ˱&�Y�$�b蒖��I���)��վt����2Eu�R�?cJc��LY'~( ��)ឤ�_}I��X�hږu��?=��r�[�>V�|]ΊEY�A]Lg����gM~�&�u����j�hs?39[�Y�(�E5-�L���U�ZbXy�(��z�\�HN�Z%y�XTm2����"o�I1m�f�����'x�8nj�+t�H%R�#�i�A�=��6���Z�˲�k8���d�Tf28�r�[�w�5�V7��"��������"��LDVS���t������LK�����E9�]gE�HTƋ|��鸮ړ���&�\�>&$q?�6t��E!�V�����-�'�g�翜��)C�u� The results were reflected in an Excel-based Supplier Modern Slavery Risk Dashboard to support the Procurement team in their risk assessment processes in line with the Origin Supplier Code. countries against 11 external human rights risk indices in both operations and supply chain, each updated annually. Found in: Practice Compliance, Risk & Compliance. For example, we work with the online retailer ASOS, trade unions and local organisations to protect workers going from Asia and Africa to work in Mauritius … Found inside – Page 234Carers look after dependants, and the clear examples are infants. ... engage in modern slavery, make wasteful business decisions, create high risk leverage ... We have recently reviewed our list of active suppliers and categorized them according to their potential risk of modern slavery and human trafficking taking into consideration their geography, the industry in which they operate and the Laptops, computers, mobiles 2. Despite a change in methodology, Mauritania and Cambodia remained in the top 10 in 2018. %PDF-1.6 %���� Firms that are more psychologically distant from modern slavery risk, for example, may manage risk in ways that fail to address its complexities. Found inside – Page 242Part 2 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 also introduces a Slavery and ... based on an assessment of risk by the applicant that the defendant (who has not yet ... %PDF-1.5 %���� Modern Slavery Act 2018. The modern slavery assessment is part of a learning process to help government understand how its suppliers are approaching this important issue. Found inside – Page 292The assessment typically occurs with a human rights impact assessment ... Anna Kirkpatrick and Jo En Low, 'Hardly Soft Law: The Modern Slavery Act 2015 and ... The national survey confirmed the existence of forced marriage and forced labour. Norton Rose Fulbright has developed a modern slavery supply chain risk assessment questionnaire for third parties. H��UMk�@��� This report was commissioned to provide Stockland with an assessment of the Modern Slavery risk in its supply chain. Modern slavery risk assessment Precedents. 82 0 obj <>stream This was conducted on a line of business level and involved the business leadership and key stakeholders endstream endobj 42 0 obj <> endobj 43 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 39 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 44 0 obj <>stream Found insideAdditionally, the introduction of the UK's Modern Slavery Act in October 2015 ... rights risks across this value chain, for example: health and safety; ... The template is a self-assessment questionnaire, in Excel format, used to collect data on human trafficking and modern slavery-related risks in the supply chain. Contents Introduction Business Model Page 3 Our supply chain Page 13 Progress in 2018 Page 5 Our approach Page 7 Risk assessment and mitigation Page 11 Found insideFeeding a rich nation: Modern slavery reporting in UK agriculture It has been estimated ... through, for example, deforestation in the Amazon and in Africa, ... When considering the forms of modern slavery, the rate of forced marriage (4.8 victims per 1,000 people in the region) was higher than the rate of forced labour (2.8 victims per 1,000 people in the region). We have reached this assessment based on factors including those set out below. Also, in addition to examining where modern slavery is perpetrated, this edition exposes where the products of crime are sold and consumed. A guide to addressing modern slavery in your business and supply chain for Canadian directors and CEOs - Part 11. Five of our suppliers, representing 0.2% of our spend, are based in countries identified by our third party impact assessment tool as having an elevated risk of modern slavery. Found insideThis chapter aims to provide a critical assessment of the vicious problem of modern slavery in supply chains. We do this by first defining modern slavery ... This process 19 October 2020 2020 UK annual report on modern slavery and review of phase 1 of … Found insideEco-chic: The fashion paradox. London: Black Dog. Donaldson, T. (2016). World's top 10 garment exporters rated high risk for modern slavery. assessment of modern slavery risk should be done in respect of specific risks. Central to due diligence are risk assessment, risk mitigation, supplier engagement and public disclosures of efforts to combat slavery and human trafficking. Found inside... there are a greater number of intervention programs, risk assessments, ... the trafficking of individuals falls under the Modern Slavery Act (2015), ... These policies were set out to ensure organisations supply chains are slavery free. So the content of the statements tends to cover risk assessment, policies, training and, to a … Found inside – Page 226... debt, and modern slavery', Migration Studies 1 (2): 176–195. ... Pelican, M. (2009), 'Complexities of indigeneity and autochthony: An African example', ... endstream endobj startxref Risk assessments are essential when it comes to seeking out and eradicating modern slavery in the workplace, it is also a huge part of an organisation’s corporate social responsibility.By law, businesses with a turnover of £36 million must complete a modern slavery statement — part of which will include a modern slavery risk assessment. �?㱗 U�I Adding product to your cart. This requires certain entities to publish annual statements on a public online register, setting out the risks of modern slavery they have identified in their supply chain and operations. February 2019 . As part of our commitment to identify and mitigate the risk of Modern Slavery within our supply chain, we have expanded upon the previous review conducted in 2016. our procurement processes, policies, risk assessment capabilities, prevention and enforcement mechanisms. The template was developed with support and input from a consortium of stakeholders involved in the STRT Development Committee. The Modern Slavery Risk Assessment consists of two documents: 1. 41 0 obj <> endobj The region has the highest rate of prevalence, with 7.6 people living in modern slavery for every 1,000 people in the region. In the first … Undertaking an initial, high-level modern slavery risk assessment to identify and assess the risk of modern slavery according to industries, products and services, geographic locations and business models. endstream endobj 45 0 obj <>stream Modern Slavery is under scrutiny as a result of public opinion, government legislation and increased concern by investors. 2. Found inside – Page 83range of stakeholders are essential to preventing and responding to instances of modern slavery and providing comprehensive care to victims. For example ... modern slavery risk assessments so they can put this into practice in their departments. Found inside – Page 94For example, many countries have asserted a legitimate state interest in rejecting ... that others would not take: for example decisions that are high-risk; ... This scrutiny is increasingly influencing business reputation - without adequate action being taken to investigate and address Modern Slavery in supply chains or labour provision, a company’s reputation can be seriously impacted resulting … The results will not be used as part of any procurement competition. Companies can utilize the data collected to improve supply chain visibility, assess and mitigate risk, improve human trafficking-related public disclosures, and ensure their compliance with human trafficking and modern … Human trafficking and modern slavery pose a huge risk for businesses and financial institutions. Found inside – Page 97In the third world , for example , it is over 80 % . ... They are defined as a high risk group responsible for the fast spreading HIV . ProRisk underwrites on behalf of certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s of London and a number of other insurers. None of the suppliers are providing us with high risk goods. 748 0 obj <> endobj The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 law sets out the UK Government’s legal requirements for how organisations must address and report on modern slavery. Introducing the Slavery and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) Recognizing the overlap of content among companies using customized templates to assess for risks of human trafficking and slavery in their supply chain, and the growing fatigue among suppliers fielding these different requests, the idea for a single standard survey was born. We are working closely with our suppliers so that they see robust modern slavery • We r eviewed our Modern Slavery Risk Assessment process and included some new areas coming out of the assessment report e.g. Suppliers representing approximately 90% of our For example, we are committed to training and developing relevant employees in modern slavery and human trafficking. This tool has been designed to help public sector organisations work in partnership with suppliers to improve protections and reduce the risk of exploitation of workers in their supply chains. 773 0 obj <>stream This survey was commissioned by the Australian Council Modern Slavery is under scrutiny as a result of public opinion, government legislation and increased concern by investors. We are a fairly small org and do not have category leads You should use the 'Tackling Modern Slavery' guidance: https://assets.publishing.service.gov. modern slavery in any form. Get in touch. Alliance 8.7 Global Estimates of Modern Slavery and the US State Department’s list of goods produced by child and forced labour), engage … Also includes all data used for G20 import calculations. hެUmk�0�+��1�^lK6�B�ͤtM���A�/��������w'���N���{y�?wQRF��p8�9+�gL����+rqA��Zg8��^Ň�N���(.�wmM3Gx4J�mIA�c��X�x��o_�E�_�&I��Z���h��^��&�{��foWF�P�Z��2/�qjTO�"�1z]�i��g�TF*�$�OWom\��"9TyA��xpy ��R��8�l�o�lK��l��I{�����vq���(�q��=(��O����Wm*Z忲�4Q�}y[(d�T��Y(͒�q#�x�K�o��x�. Our slavery risk assessment tool will provide your company a 3-5 day turnaround report, which will enable you to proceed to complete your Statement, or if potential or higher risks arise, to develop a remediation plan to reduce human harm, that … Modern Slavery Risks, Rights & Responsibilities . MODERN SLAVERY STATEMENT. Having a modern slavery statement and performing a risk assessment are both excellent steps to ensuring your supply chain is free of forced labor, and those within it earn a living wage. New modern slavery laws are going to fundamentally change and restructure third-party risk management programs.Much as GDPR changed the world’s understanding of and approach to privacy, the EU directive and Germany’s law will change how organizations manage and monitor modern slavery risk in the extended … risk assessment and due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking We believe the risk of slavery and trafficking in our own operations to be very low. Modern slavery risk assessment ... and society resources to those commodity–country combinations where interventions can yield the most impact and avoid risk shifting. it needs to be considered all along a business’s supply chain including labour agencies and recruiters to that supply chain, sub-contractors, distribution, equipment and services. The risk assessment identified the inherent risk of modern slavery across our operations, supply chain, and investment activities using a combination of industry-related risk factors, including sector, product, and services-related risks, and country risk factors. The STRT was developed to support companies and suppliers with all of these essential aspects of due diligence. The STRT helps companies and their suppliers work together to build socially responsible supply chains by facilitating accurate data collection. This annual statement sets out our approach, the steps we have taken and are taking and our commitment to prevent of modern slavery in our organisation and supply chain. Modern slavery is a terrible practice that deprives a person's liberty and dignity for another person's gain. Share. This will include focus on the modern slavery risk profile across our supply chains in light of the increased risks of modern slavery presented by COVID-19 in a range of sectors. their initial risk assessment and activities. The Slavery and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) is an industry standard survey used to collect human trafficking and slavery data from the supply chain. We note that the hotel and hospitality trade recognise the risk of modern slavery within their sector and a Stop Slavery Hotel Industry Network is being developed by the industry. Modern Slavery in our business and supply chains . Sugar Cane . Companies can utilize the data collected to improve supply chain visibility, assess and mitigate risk, improve human trafficking-related public disclosures, and ensure their compliance with human trafficking and modern … Meet the need for a universally-accepted Template among Global supply chains by facilitating accurate collection. 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