Despite his limited formal education, Spurgeon possessed an insatiable thirst for learning. The Charles Spurgeon Sermon Collection is home to over 3,000 sermons written by C.H. The Best Strengthening Medicine. Sinner, in God’s name I command you to repent and believe… It seems as if every hair on my head must stand on end to think of any hearer of mine being damned.”. They are still powerful and widely influential today. He was a husband, father, evangelist, author, abolitionist, editor, and college president. Spurgeon Sermons, Complete Set Browse the complete set of Charles Spurgeon's 63 volumes of sermons below by expanding a section as you go, or perform a search here. Ultimately, his unwavering belief in God’s omnipotence brought comfort in his darkest moments. Despite his tremendous popularity with the masses of London, his dramatic preaching style drew sharp criticism from his contemporaries. This five-volume set is a compilation of Spurgeon's best sermons, covering topics from Israel in Egypt and confession of sin to justification by grace and Paul's first prayer. “Down on my knees have I often fallen,” he said, “with the hot sweat rising from my brow under some fresh slander poured upon me; in an agony of grief my heart has been well nigh broken.” Fellow ministers routinely verbally assaulted him, calling him a “pulpit buffoon.” Such vicious condemnation was incredibly painful for a man who struggled throughout his life with dark bouts of depression. What makes a sermon great? Spurgeon's Best Sermon. Spurgeon lay in state at the Metropolitan Tabernacle for three days—as 60,000 mourners filed past. Of this sermon, Charles confessed, “I think I never preached another sermon by which so many souls were won to God.” From beginning to end, the riveting exhortation “Compel Them to Come In” is full of fervent entreaties for sinners to come to Christ. The heaviest end of the cross lies ever on his shoulders. It was a firm foundation of theology, but it didn’t stop Spurgeon from suffering many hardships in his life. “I exhort you, then, to look to Jesus Christ and to be lightened. I do not threaten because I would alarm without cause, but in hopes that a brother’s threatening may drive you to the place where God hath prepared the feast of the gospel.”. Click the title of a sermon to view or save the PDF. There never was his like among the choicest of princes. This five-volume set is a compilation of Spurgeon's best sermons, covering topics from Israel in Egypt and confession of sin to justification by grace and Paul's first prayer. Reflecting on one such episode, he said, “My spirits were sunken so low that I could weep by the hour like a child, and yet I knew not what I wept for.”. What makes a sermon great? He denounced the horrors of slavery in America. Recorded, our new narrative podcast, begins with a two-part miniseries called "Remembering 9/11." Spurgeon preached to more than 10 million people in his lifetime. And yet, after pleading, threatening, and entreating, Spurgeon recognizes that some will still not be moved. He sought refuge from the storm in a Primitive Methodist Church, and he credited the sermon he heard that morning with his conversion. Solomon's Plea: Spurgeon, Charles Haddon: 1 Kings 8:53: The Afterwards of Divine Worship: Spurgeon, Charles Haddon: 1 Kings 8:66: Essential Points in Prayer: Spurgeon, Charles Haddon: 1 Kings 9:2-9: At the King's Table: Spurgeon, Charles Haddon: 1 Kings 10:5: The King and His Servants: Spurgeon, Charles Haddon: 1 Kings 10:5: Children Honoured . Flags flew at half-mast. Kansas City, Missouri 64118, © 2017 The Spurgeon Center and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Come and welcome to the marriage feast of his love.”. ‘The Eyes of Tammy Faye’ skewers one type of prosperity gospel while endorsing a more culturally acceptable prosperity gospel. Of this sermon, Spurgeon said, “I think I never preached another sermon by which so many souls were won to God.”[1], This sermon, entitled “Compel Them to Come In”, is filled with pleas for sinners to come to Christ from the beginning to the end. When Spurgeon was only 10 years old, a visiting missionary said he’d one day preach to thousands. In a world where madmen enter houses of worship to destroy the faithful, and each day’s tidings bear news of “wars and rumors of wars,” Spurgeon’s final sermon holds forth a light in the darkest night. "With whom among men can you compare Spurgeon? He is always to be found in the thickest part of the battle. He read an average of six books per week. The Prince of Preacher's most relevant sermon may surprise you. ARAPHRASING Elijah's challenge, Mr. Spurgeon once exclaimed, "The God that answers by orphanages, let Him be Lord.". A great example of this can be found in Sermon 125, from volume 2 of The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon. His New Park Street and Metropolitan Temple sermons are presented here. “Come, then, let the threatening have power with you. Just a teenager at the time, the young Charles gives the open invitation from Isaiah 25:6-8 to come to "The Best Feast.". As the hearse made its way to the cemetery, 100,000 people lined the way to witness a funeral procession that stretched more than two miles long. Within the span of a few years, the boy preacher from the country was known throughout England and around the world. We recommend Pilgrim Publications, where the Ages disk may be purchased at a discount. (wpe). Alistair is married to Susan, and together they have three grown children and seven grandchildren. Spurgeon S Sermons Volume 02 1856 Revised. One Sunday morning, when he was only 15, Spurgeon set out to attend services at a local Congregational church, the denomination in which both his father and grandfather were ministers. Spurgeon (1834-1893) over the course of his ministry in London during the 19th century, transcribed from manuscripts edited by Emmett O'Donnell. Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) is one of the most influential preachers of the last several centuries and served at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London preaching lively and compelling sermons. In them one discovers the primary reason Spurgeon still matters: because Jesus still matters. Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-92) was England's best-known preacher for most of the second half of the nineteenth century. When the wind blows cold he always takes the bleak side of the hill. We now have 108 of Spurgeon's best sermons on Audio CD (with audio tracks every 2 minutes to make it easier for you to review). The sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon were the pinnacle of preaching in mid-nineteenth-century England. Sermons that are part of our on-line collection are hotlinked to the index pages. His illness often confined him to bed for weeks at a time. They are still powerful and widely influential today. Death-beds are stony things without the Lord Jesus Christ.”[3] And he makes the issue urgent saying, “I have no authority to ask you to come to Christ tomorrow. But Spurgeon is best remembered as a preacher. Alistair Begg writes about Charles Spurgeon's greatest sermon: his example of faith and endurance in the face of terrible suffering. For a soul winner like Spurgeon, one test of greatness is to number the souls converted. Of this sermon, Charles confessed, "I think I never preached another sermon by which so many souls were won to God." At this feast, God alone provides saving sustenance and lasting nourishment. No outside food or drink is allowed. C. H. Spurgeon. ARAPHRASING Elijah's challenge, Mr. Spurgeon once exclaimed, "The God that answers by orphanages, let Him be Lord.". It was He who taught the world the worth of children—"of such is the kingdom of heaven.". The sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon were the pinnacle of preaching in mid-nineteenth-century England. In a crowd this vast, perhaps two or three will be departed by New Years. “What will you do in the swellings of Jordan without a Saviour? Spurgeon has preached many good sermons, but on December 5, 1858 at the age of 24, he preached his best sermon. Of this sermon, Charles confessed, "I think I never preached another sermon by which so many souls were won to God." He was a husband, father, evangelist, author, abolitionist, editor, and college president. Spurgeon knows from experience that none can out sin God’s grace. Many heard the gospel clearly and understood it. Although preaching on Sunday morning to the church gathered for worship, Charles does not assume he is speaking only to the redeemed. What makes a sermon great? In 1892, Spurgeon died the same month as a Cardinal and a prince. There is no sermon more relevant for today than the one Spurgeon preached with his life, as he faced suffering within the bounds of faith. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. This five-volume set is a compilation of Spurgeon's best sermons, covering topics from Israel in Egypt and confession of sin to justification by grace and Paul's first prayer. Jake Hovis lives in Denver Colorado with his wife Laura where he teaches at Valor Christian High School. "With whom among men can you compare Spurgeon? There is more Spurgeon material available today, than any other Christian author, living or dead. He holds two degrees from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and loves to study Spurgeon. 3002) a sermon published on thursday, august 23, 1906. delivered by c. h. spurgeon, at the metropolitan tabernacle, newington, on lord's-day evening, october 31, 1875. Spurgeon was known for his scathing letters and sermons against the injustices of his day. By 1884, he had founded sixty-six ministries in London: two orphanages, a clothing drive, a nursing home, a ministry to policeman, and dozens more. Death-beds are stony things without the Lord Jesus Christ.”. For that it worthy of our consideration. In Brave by Faith: God-Sized Confidence in a Post-Christian World (The Good Book Co., May 2021) he examines the first seven chapters of Daniel to show how to live bravely, confidently, and obediently in an increasingly secular society. Most of the sermons not included in our collection are available from Emmet O'Donnell's excellent website in .pdf format. The crowds grew and grew. There is more Spurgeon material available today, than any other Christian author, living or dead. The knowledge that in the middle of his pain, a loving God was unwaveringly in control gave him the courage he needed to persevere. God used it to faithfully point to Christ and convert sinners. When he stepped behind the pulpit, his listeners were astonished to find the slight youth delivering messages of power and complexity far beyond his years but always in a manner that was both engaging and accessible. He offers good news to those who are spiritually poor. Spurgeon's Best Sermon. Volume 57 Sermons 3231-3282Charles Spurgeon (19 June 1834 - 31 January 1892) is one of the church's most famous preachers and Christianity's foremost prolific writers. Click the title of a sermon to view or save the PDF. With desperate petition, unable to bear any thought of his hearers being cursed in everlasting fire, the passionate preacher makes his plea: “I have no authority to ask you to come to Christ tomorrow. 23.01.2020 Gateway Christian Church. His thirty-eight years of ministry at the New Park Street Chapel . Spurgeon addresses many reasons why people refuse to come to Christ before detailing the wonders of conversion. This five-volume set is a compilation of Spurgeon's best sermons, covering topics from Israel in Egypt and confession of sin to justification by grace and Paul's first prayer. All this for a man who once remarked of his own reputation: If to be made as the mire of the streets again, if to be the laughingstock of fools and the song of the drunkard once more will make me more serviceable to my Master, and more useful to his cause, I will prefer it to all this multitude, or to all the applause that man could give. 2209) A SERMON INTENDED FOR READING ON LORD'S-DAY, JUNE 21, 1891, DELIVERED BY C. H. SPURGEON, AT THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, NEWINGTON. None need fear to uphold the challenge, for by that test Christ is victor. On December 5, 1858 at the tender age of 24, Charles Haddon Spurgeon preached his best sermon. Spurgeon's Greatest Sermon. The date is December 5th — some listening may not see Christmas. It’s Going to Be OK.’, Alistair Begg on Pressing the Message Home. They are still powerful and widely influential today. But most important is the substance of these incredible sermons by the great Baptist preacher, on such a wide range of spiritual subjects, that it boggles the mind. Through his relatively short but phenomenally productive ministry, Spurgeon pastored, directed a Pastor's College, oversaw a Bible and tract society, organized Stockwell . Please make sure all fields are filled out. Yet when Spurgeon died at the age of 57, all of London mourned. Spurgeon's Orphanage. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in th. They are still powerful and widely influential today. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Eighteen months after the teenaged preacher accepted his first pastoral position, he was invited to preach at New Park Street Chapel in London. He also knew thsat conversions alone do not make ministry great, but only faithfulness. Spurgeon had none of those benefits. What makes this sermon great? Twice in his sermon, Spurgeon speaks to objecting hearers who think they are too sinful to come to Christ. On December 5, 1858 at the tender age of 24, Charles Haddon Spurgeon preached his best sermon. The prince enjoyed all the opportunities and luxuries his bloodline could afford. In addition to his profound emotional and mental anguish, Spurgeon also carried the burden of physical infirmity. Many strong men have been killed by the smallest of accidents. In a world where class and lineage still carried great weight, he was the poorly educated son and grandson of ministers. You can connect with him on facebook. What makes a sermon great? Now, Christ does not want any merits of yours. The sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon were the pinnacle of preaching in mid-nineteenth-century England. Spurgeon (1834-1893) over the course of his ministry in London during the 19th century, transcribed from manuscripts edited by Emmett O'Donnell. Alistair Begg writes about Charles Spurgeon's greatest sermon: his example of faith and endurance in the face of terrible suffering. Spurgeon. Even the worst alive is still only the second worst — all the more reason to come to Christ. Ah, my Master has sent you a gracious invitation. Admittedly, there are many ways to determine how good a sermon is, but for a soul winner like Spurgeon, the most important factor is the number of people converted. Originally published in ten volumes in 1 The sermons of Charles Haddon Spurgeon were the pinnacle of preaching in mid-nineteenth-century England. sermon 2472. the best of the best (no. 2786) a sermon intended for reading on lord's-day, july 6, 1902. delivered by c. h. spurgeon, at the metropolitan tabernacle, newington, on thursday evening, june 13, 1878. Spurgeon's Greatest Sermon. He went after evangelicals in the Church of England for tolerating baptismal regeneration in the prayer book. Time cannot be wasted. The congregation was so in awe of his message that they voted to have him continue preaching for the next six months. He graduated from theological college in London and served two churches in Scotland before moving to Ohio. I grew up in the United Kingdom and am a student of church history, so it’s impossible for me to ignore Spurgeon’s impact. Charles Spurgeon wore many hats. None need fear to uphold the challenge, for by that test Christ is victor. , all of Charles Haddon Spurgeon ( 1834-1892 ) was born in Essex, England make... Come to Christ and convert sinners material available today, than any other Christian author, abolitionist editor. To those who suffer, and together they have three grown children seven... Of supporters providing gospel-centered resources to millions around the world the kingdom of heaven. & ;! He couldn ’ t walk or sleep for learning who suffer, and he is already in!... “ Compel them to come to Christ and to be lightened Revised ebooks in PDF epub. 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