One sided conversations are very painful also, with the person constantly talking about how wonderful he is and then as an afterthought, maybe asking about a tiny part of my life. Having been so fixed upon getting to this point, now that we have I have let myself ‘check-in’ with the reality of what is. I’ve asked him why he doesn’t have a curiosity about the experiences that have made me who I am or the dreams I have for my life, and his response has been “You tell me everything I need to know, why do I need to ask?” But if he only knew how much he doesn’t know! Understanding is the driver in my case and I think a lot of others’ here. I’ve been married to a man like this for 28 years. This guy who may or may not work out?) Evan, this was a great question to pick and as usual a spot-on advice! How far apart do you live from one another? My advice have a serious conversation with the guy then set a time limit for real change. But if your man is the type who goes on and on about himself and has no interest in you… I’d flee. This term You may relate to . But I don’t fret about it as much because I’m not spending the rest of my life with them 24/7. © Evan Marc Katz – Dating Coach for Smart Successful Women. By posting you agree that you have read the. I’ve realised that this is true so now I pull back from that but I find the dates are then excruciating because then there is no conversation. Does he like to be out and socialize ? I’m not going to ditch him because of this one flaw. I have a somewhat similar situation, where the guy I’ve been dating for a few months says he expresses his affection through acts, not words. For me it is definitely a deal breaker. My current bf is just great that way. Anyway I am a man and I suffer a lot because I’m very curious (not only about woman but everything) but most of the time they dont show any interest in me. The Smart, Strong, Successful Woman’s Guide to Understanding Men and Keeping the Right One Hooked Forever. From Caroline, who is the Queen of Questions (I have only met two people in my life that I couldn’t think of more than one question to ask. After months of coming behind his adult kids, teenager, a horse for the entitled teen, ex wife n her drama, i realized i came last, with our dogs. Hey why didn’t anyone on this thread ask me about the movie I saw last night? Enter Your Email Address to Gain Access to my Powerful Training and Apply to Love U. He told me that I was a “good listener”. Does he make a grocery list? The fact that he actually listens is good though not responding is annoying. I guess it’s the difference between poor communication skills and just plain old not giving a shit. Usually, he is not. So he doesn’t ask the right questions (which would bug me, too) but at least if he’s interested in hearing what I have to say- I could probably live with it. I stopped asking questions. It looks like you have a good relationship… You know, I think we can always find something missing. With communication you can solve everything. @Alyssa #5: You make a great point–while he may not ask specific questions, what I do tell him sticks in his head like a steel trap. My middle name was spelled wrong? She can find a man who talks and accepts her. As for whether he's a keeper, whether you can pique his curiosity and if he can really be this poor at communicating, those answers are yes, no, and yes. You have such a wonderful family! It seems the odds are so much lower with this new trait, and on top of that there has to be alignment on chemistry, values, beliefs, lifestyle, and more! I’m grateful you keep managing your blog so closely despite having more fun things to do : ) I hope your little guy is growing well, and I wish you, your wife, and your older child lot of happiness together! Once he planned a huge birthday weekend and told me he loved me POOF it was all over. We’ve been going out for 1 month, if he doesn’t think that THIS is a big deal, we will have to part ways…don’t be used in a relationship, don’t just be the giver, don’t just be the one to nurture the man and settle for “he’s good in other things” when all is said and done, all you will have is communication between you and if he is not attentive or interested in you, so sorry and so sad, you have to wait for someone who will be excited to get to know every single thing about you because you are dear to them. And while I’m sure you’re sick of hearing this (or knowing you, maybe not), CONGRATULATIONS! The problem is, if you try to “solve” this problem by asking the other person to change, the the change isn’t coming from the person, their understanding of you, or a natural curiosity, but rather from their relationship with the idea that you are unhappy and want them to change. Never happened the other way, though. Hi Evan, before I forget, congratulations on your new baby. “It isn’t Anne with an e is it?” he asked. . And since it’s a game there is less pressure (you might want to start with fun questions). But the more important overarching lesson to women is this: Holly’s boyfriend isn’t an anomaly. He still didn’t ask, and said when I broke up with him over it that “he thought I wouldn’t want to talk about it”, even after me specifically saying that I did. He didn’t want me, he just wanted someone, and when the novelty wore off, that was it for me. If it happens right in the beginning, the first couple of dates, there is no way I would bother with a guy like that. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I think the sensitivity outweighs the rest. Your explanation is completely spot-on Susan! And even if he doesn’t, the question games might make you feel like your needs are being met in that area and you can get back to enjoying all the other great things about him! We now focus on the day-to-day happenings and the future. Any time things between us get “close” he seems to run. But many people would be a little shocked and at least say, “WTH!! But when not in person, he shows absolutely no interest in my whatsoever. You might be able to change your expectations. Holly, your boyfriend sounds identical to mine in every way, even down to recently asking me what position I’d prefer. We have been dating for two years, my first relationship since my divorce almost 4 years ago. But if couples educate themselves on aspergers when it’s a possibility (many don’t get diagnosed professionally and if they do it usually happens in their 40s or later, many of them may hear it from a loved one and / or research psychological issues that ends up in the aspergers area on Google just by inputting symptoms ). My boyfriend doesn’t ask me questions about me, and yet he knows everything. He’s a simpleton, and he’s called himself that as well. Unless he was just saying that men won’t be judgemental about your experiences when deciding whether or not to like you. When i brought up money and child visitation agreement he said he wasn t going to change anything in his life and forget about compromises! I really feel for Holly and I’m not sure that I could stay in a relationship like that. Ladies, life is too short to never be heard, never given the satisfaction that the man digs learning new things about you. How can they stand it?! Im like um okay. Anyway Holly, he sounds like a good guy, he might just be a bit introverted. I’ve been told by many that I’m very easy to talk to because of it. I would like however to have a deeper conversation than, what we did at the gym today. You’re hurting and are afraid of getting hurt again. My husband ´s reaction: nothing. Will he make a wonderful father. Selfish ? Found insideThe reality of my past relationships hurt me. I started to question what I had to offer. I began to play the role as happy on the outside while internally fighting a battle of pain. I convinced myself that no one understood my pain. I too am very interested in learning about other people, their lives, pasts, their aspirations for the future, career, family. Or perhaps because this is most men? Strangely, I found that there were a lot of men who were quite good with questions on the 1st and 2nd dates but then stopped abruptly when they had found out “the basics” – occupation, family background, favourite holiday destinations etc. This is even in circumstances where the man has been crazily in love with me and is aware that the relationship may end if nothing changes. Maybe he doesn’t want to know about his girlfriend’s/fiancé’s past because he trusts her? He’ll bring stuff up I don’t even remember telling him, so I definitely know he gives a shit. And I leave. Take this short quiz to discover what you need to do now. Sarah P I don’t think he can make this change. Im one those rare chick who do not talk for the sake of talking. Is he really smart or keep lists? One does not make the other okay. Found inside"I didn't, he came to my company to cause trouble today, so I ended up going out with him if things didn't go well for him. "The receptionist knew about my past relationship with Tang Jiadong, and no one would believe me even if I told ... (Which is your strong suit, but still) Clearly this woman has asked him to ask her more about her life and he still declines. But he didn’t make the connection that it should be reciprocated. I almost guarantee that Holly’s boyfriend is consistent in that regard.. A guy friend should be even more intrigued. I wanted it to come from him, but he put the burden back on me to volunteer info, rather than showing interest in me and asking what he really wanted to know. I too am about to enter a relationship with a guy I have become friends with over 6 months. Is she willing to trade away all the other values he displays for this one thing? I am suggesting to dump him, just as I must do to my guy. It just made me feel so sad that they couldn’t see that what made them like me was what would make me like them. Is funny to see these answers because I was reading some male treads in a forum and the most frequent complaint was about woman don’t asking questions. And he can best be described as a brilliant (IQ & emo intelligence), elegant country boy into NASCAR and who leans right a bit…..Hey, you don’t ask, you don’t get, right? Ok I’m 12 and i have a guy just like that, he never starts the conversation, I always have to. There are different guys, the curious ones, the ones live the moment and not the past, the serious ones, and the serious ones don’t ask questions, because they have all the time in the world to know you, they see a future with you and dont want to find out about you in one day, but in a life time. I don’t think that is not asking too much from a life partner/husband, in fact I think it is a very reasonable expectation. Does he ask you questions? What was his response, “Oh, that’s nice, honey”? I just learned not to ask, and then she got upset with me for not asking. I think there is a overbalance in all these relationships, including mine. This is kind of why I’ve hung on for so long, because if you ask any of our friends, none of them ever complain or comment about this dynamic. Surprisingly, when I do work my ass off, he can be coaxed into learning new things and showing interest. You can have the relationship of your dreams at any age and you don’t have to change to do it. I can tell he is into me but never asks me anything about myself other than how my day was. Do you feel you walk on egg sshells? I know that’s why our relationship failed and I’m not sad. “I can’t have a gun because I’m a felon”, but doesn’t elaborate, tells me that’s all they want to discuss about it. If they never want to speak to me about it, then that is accurate information also. Very interesting how differently we view this. Once a bore always a bore. in their conversational style, but rather that it is an interaction. I’d agree with Freya about the number of men out there that are like the OP’s boyfriend. And if you bring it up with him and discover that this is as deep as he goes, you wouldn’t be out of line to think you could have a stronger connection with a guy who actually cares what comes out of your mouth.”” } } } ”. I just learned that my bf of one year doesn’t even remember my birthday, favorite color, movie, or band. Find someone who suits your own style of relating. Don’t you want someone who cares enough to know you. Four months ago I picked out an envelope which looked like personal mail from a whole stack of mail which had accumulated during my absence (and which my husband of 16 years said he would check for me). One thing that is glaring in its absence from Holly’s account is what interest, if any, she pays to his life? Hell, you’ve survived this long and said that things were “good”. Good luck! Really? Let him learn about you, rather then you want him to know everything about you….and concentrate on the important things…, I feel some men don’t ask questions because : –, – they are insecure and worry about you recollecting a story that involves an ex, or something/someone they feel they cant measure up to in the present, – they don’t ask about your work incase they don’t understand something and look stupid, – they are immature on some level and self-centered at the same time. That is a bombshell. The only topic my guy is interested in knowing is about my sexual history. I broke up with a guy who agreed with me that communication was important but then wouldn’t communicate. But my fiance who has aspergers has never asked anything about me in 7 years. Or was he a nerd as a young kid? Thanks for your input/feedback. I also tend to drive certain conversations. I often wonder how these men, who lack this trait, will ever find a woman who is fine with it and/or who might be the same way. And regarding the “why don’t you ask me about things you don’t know about” piece, I’m not expecting him to be a mind reader as you suggest. Observing him with others, he doesn’t either. I do think “curiosity” can be faked but not an understanding. There are a couple things that I also wish were different or better in my relationship, but then I remember all the essential qualities he already demonstrates, his commitment to our relationship, and then my own imperfections and how accepting he is of them. Found insideSuch a question floors you; so unexpected, uncalled for, shocking, even hurtful. ... I deftly turned the question back on him to avoid embarrassment. Frank told me ... I couldn't bring myself to give him a list of my past relationships. EMK, I love your site. I’m british and we are surprised when someone responds with anything other than “I’m fine/well/not too bad”!. I’d just listen and try to be as nonjudgmental as possible. He texts me everyday to touch base and he does compliment me, but just never really ask me personal questions abou my family or past relationships? I’m now preparing to leave because I’ve finally accepted that this isn’t something I can live with for the rest of my life. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. On the rare occasion that I was allowed to contribute, his response was to interupt with “That’s Stupid” or some other argumentative thing. “…and even blames past relationship failures on himself.”. The lawyer and I looked at him dumbfounded. But because Holly’s a woman, maybe her boyfriend assumes it’s not a big deal. Exactly this! Hang on to that prince of a man. However, if he refuses and you always have to be the one to volunteer information, you may decide that this is a deal breaker and move on. But…you said he would comment on things friends did which you missed….he is communicating and initiating so that is verbal. I have to be very observant in my relationship bc that’s the way I receive info, by watching small hints that I sense is a reaction to me that tells me a lot. 1) I agree with what you said in your answer. Because when two or more people are conversing, it is a DYNAMIC. I agree it is enjoyable to be asked questions but I would have to confess I’m a bit self absorbed and not so good at doing it myself! I picked up on his self involved tendency in the beginning but I made allowances for him thinking he would grow in the relationship over time. I volunteer information. Lucy R Post no 27. 30 years and he didn;t know how to spell my middle name. Sorry for blurting it out here in the comment section – but i just wanted to declare my ever-lasting admiration and respect for you in front of all the people reading this! He goes one better and doesn’t remember half of what I tell him. We had nice pleasant conversations. He does listen and he does remember what I say. Could be true! I’m Evan Marc Katz and I approve of this message. I leave space for the other’s thoughts, and then I learn what thoughts they like to put in that space, and which ones they don’t. Frustrated!! He contacted me a couple of weeks after the second conference and basically said he wanted to get to know me, because he wanted to see if we could build a relationship together. I have lived with this situation for 12 years 7 of these years we have been married. With time passing it’s tempting to take what we do have for granted and regret some secondary or tertiary items that might be missing in the relationship. That said, here’s one thing I do not like. Just be nice & perhaps mildly interesting & make nabbing a partner whose happy with pretty, accepting, and boring you your goal. Or is he silent all around, so he doesn’t ask questions about you, but then he doesn’t talk much about himself either? Yeah, between us, there aren’t many silences in the Katz household. I know this article is quite dated, but I looked it up in your article database because it’s very relevant to me now. Like some other posters have said the problem extends beyond chats about your day or interests. Frankly, I’m shocked to read how many women have experienced this same problem with the men they’ve dated. I get the impression that, because I’m normally a talkative person and volunteer information about myself, perhaps he thinks he doesn’t need to ask. He will see that as a mine field. All of a sudden, poof it ended. But they are CLUELESS people who would be well-served to pick up a copy of Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. i wanna know about her felonies! Almost all of these men thought our date went fantastically and were always always so surprised when I told them they weren’t right for me. Don’t get stuck in an abusisive relationship. Your attraction is already clouding your judgment, you’ll have even less control over your judgment if you have sex with him (again) before he’s your bf. it’s illogical. If you’re pretty, nice, and accept him as he is, he’s probably gonna be a happy camper. It’s the same thing. Wow, I’m in something that looks like this…we met, chatted, liked each other and before a month he was saying he loves me. Lastly, does he routinely do things that make you seriously question what the hell is going on? 1) …because we all ask our dates whether or not they’re convicted felons, right? They are selling themselves. How can he ask about something that he doesn’t know exists? He is affectionate, sensitive, caring (I got to know him when he lent me his coat for the weekend on a biking weekend) clever, witty and we have that uncanny sameness going on with our values and beliefs. Does she know as much about him as he does about her, even? He never did find out and while he was properly heartbroken by the break up, I just didn’t feel that he had truly loved me for who I really was as he didn’t ever know who I really was. I don’t think it really matters whether Holly’s guy is too lazy, too self-absorbed, or just too unskilled to inquire about her. Seems contradictory and the overall theme seems to suggest that women should expect less from men than men would accept. I’ve decided to let it go and move on. It suggests that they cannot offer real love and intimacy. “Maybe I’m a little egocentric, but that shit wouldn’t fly with me”. WHAT HAPPENED!” before even thinking to control a response. Found insideScott doesn't make sense to me, because he's nothing I could ever expect, and it's making me feel things I can't decipher. “And you? ... It's why I maintained the type of meaningless relationships I did back during my time. Great reply. I wish I had shown my husband the door a long time ago. What I am guessing is that your man is a ‘listener.’ He expects to listen and cater to you, rather than be explicit in his language and actions. Found inside – Page 86That blew my mind. I decided that if Trey didn't ask me questions about my past, I wasn't going to offer information. I wanted to keep my man. I loved him and thought that if I told him the same things I had shared with Ryan, ... But dont knock the guy. The fact that she cares enough to be curious about my past is immeasurably warming and comforting. I had you read right! That is going to be the only way you’ll know if he’s really interested in you or just interested in sex with you. THREE times I told him my needs weren’t being met, and I made a point to look very unhappy each time, that it was serious business, and each time he answered “Ellen, I’m no cheerleader”. I dislike those one sided convos also, no matter which side I’m on. I asked him questions about his life and maybe 99% of the time, no question was ever asked back. And even if I’m not as interested in her past as she is in mine, I can still name all of her family members, friends, exes, and co-workers. Does he have a collection of something or hoard a particular thing? Found insideAt one point, after a long silence, he asked me why I didn't have kids yet. ... It was a question he'd never asked me before. ... He told me about his kids and I told him about myself and my past relationships. He definitely accepted things that not everyone would, and I love him more for that as well. He’s not a curious person and he isn’t very deep. Are prying over hers resting on her lap someone I can do with little. 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