Luke was successful in turning Vader against Emperor Palpatine due to their family connection. They gather the masters because they realize Sidious may make a move, whoever he was at that point, with Grievous dead and the Jedi muscling in on Palpatine to lay down his emergency powers. Similar to Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial research center, this subreddit is for delving deep into the intricacies of the Star Wars universe. I believe they do take some time instant of going immediately over though, since Mace readies the entire temple and all of the Jedi for any coming trouble. With the exception of Mace Windu. They merely underestimated the Sith Lord, More posts from the MawInstallation community. No because regardless of what he did, the actual collapse of the Jedi (at least right at the moment it did collapse) was the obedience mechanism that was inherent in all the clones. As you probably recall, there . A Jedi must be a fearless warrior, a guardian of justice and a scholar in the ways of the Force. Why Mace Windu? Having sacrificed his life for his son, Vader made peace with Luke before passing into the Force as Anakin Skywalker. Quinlan Vos 7. In this essential Star Wars Legends novel, the second in the Darth Bane trilogy, the fearsome Sith lord takes on a deadly new apprentice. When you think of Emperor Palpatine, you probably think of Scottish actor Ian McDiarmid. While promoting the movie on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Jackson revealed his request to Conan O'Brien, who joked that perhaps Mace Windu would meet his death by slipping on some soap in the shower. Found inside – Page 384He was not an underling of Yoda or Mace Windu. Anakin understood that a man like Palpatine would not throw out such compliments if he did not believe them. “I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin,” Palpatine went on. Even though there wasn't a listed option for him, Qui-Gon Jinn tallied an impressive 34 votes in a write-in campaign. And Windu hasn´t faked anything. For the record, I think Palpatine took a massive gamble on Anakin coming to the party and chopping off Mace's hand. Did they know that Sidious was actually behind both sides of the war at that point? We will suffice. But did Windu actually defeat Darth Sidious, making Anakin's . I feel like this was definitely an instance where you are dicked if you do, dicked if you don't. vs. Mace is amped like he was in the scene and Palpatine is bloodlusted. In response, Sidious hurled Force lightning at the Jedi Master, forcing him to deflect it back at the Dark Lord. He took a blast of Force lightning to the face, sure. However, Mace Windu met is fate with a window in. Palpatine cunningly uses Obi-Wan as a tool, driving a wedge between him and the future Darth Vader. Insights into the future and all that aside - if the play was to actually allow Mace to get with an inch of killing the Sith Lord simply so Anakin could save him, that was one of the ballsiest plays of all time. Tom Foster 10 months ago. The ONLY choice Mace had was to confront Palpatine, which is exactly why Palpatine CHOSE to reveal himself to Anakin. Mace was a skilled Jedi and knew right from wrong. [2] The quartet was fully aware of the enormity of the burden ahead of them. Found insideWhen the ruthless Chancellor Palpatine issues his nefarious Order 66, which calls for the extermination of the Jedi, the members of the Omega and Delta squads are faced with a desperate choice between the Order and their loyalty to their ... It would be like someone challenging you to a pickup game of basketball and you assemble average NBA players now(so better than 99% of people) just to show up and see you're up against the Dream Team in their prime. Mace Windu: A Sith Lord? In a moment, Kolar was impaled by Sidious through the abdomen and fell with a scream. Mace knows the corruption brought by the Sith. Shortly thereafter, he declared himself Galactic Emperor and transformed the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, which ruled the galaxy for over two decades. Even after Boba attempted to assassinate Mace (and Anakin indirectly), caused the deaths of numerous clones including to leading to the death of Mace's own clone commander, he admitted that the things he did for revenge were wrong, but that he would never forgive Windu for what he did to Jango. "Darth Maul wages war against Darth Sidious and his generals Count Dooku and General Grievous with his allies in the Shadow Collective"-- In the Plagueis novel, Palpatine was also able to hide his abilities from Plagueis when they first met. 4 Jedi Masters[2]Kit Fisto†[2]Agen Kolar†[2]Saesee Tiin†[2]Mace Windu†[2] In the novel, it's honestly about the same. (For now, anyway.) The prequel trilogy revolved around Anakin's turn to the Dark side, but was Palpatine secretly expecting his apprentice to eventually turn against him? Great Jedi Purge[2] If Windu survived, the whole scene would be meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Vaapad is a channel for darkness, and that darkness flowed both ways. INVERSE © 2021 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Palpatine cut through 2 Jedi Masters before Mace even reacted to him, Palpatine totally played him. We all wish that ol Sammy J would have stayed around the Star Wars universe for a very long time. Mace Windu believes in the Republic and he will not tolerate another second of Palpatine manipulating the system. Hell, Mace was surprised to learn Palpatine was the Sith Lord from Anakin. If Mace Windu survived his fight with Palpatine, it . On the other hand, Windu's actor, Samuel L. Jackson, had been waiting for this scene since he was hired. That was to Mace Windu's credit. Seizing upon Skywalker's emotional turmoil, Sidious congratulated him for taking steps to fulfill his destiny and invited the Jedi to become his Sith apprentice. Regardless of his grisly fate, Windu was the first Jedi to confront the evil lurking in the Senate, and that's pretty terrifying. The screenplay also indicates Windu attempted to defend himself with his remaining hand after he was betrayed by Skywalker.[13]. [2], Sidious drove Windu back along the corridor to his public office, where Windu managed to pull Sidious into a bladelock. We're talking about one of the most powerful Jedi Masters of all time here. But the only roster that increased his chances would have been: Himself, Anakin (Chosen One and Republic War Hero), Yoda (no explanation needed) and Obi-Wan. [2], With Sidious disarmed, Windu declared again that the Dark Lord was in Jedi custody. The redirected current hit Sidious, deforming his face hideously yet he continued to uphold the barrage. This version of the scene was filmed on July 15, 2003 at Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia on Stage 7. It seems like a very calculated risk to take if so. Found insideSeeking to prevent this tragedy, Anakin looks for power beyond the Jedi. power offered to him by Palpatine, who reveals himself to be the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. Anakin knows that the Sith are the sworn enemies of the Republic and the ... This book offers a new way of seeing George Lucas' space opera--particularly the prequel trilogy, a series never given a fair chance because of constant comparisons to the iconic originals. Palpatine lies on the ground of his office, lifeless. Found insideAs long as Anakin thought about what he was doing, instead of charging ahead on impulse, he would be fine. ... looked thoughtfully at the two of them, then said, “Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her. Sidious was at Windu's mercy, who held his blade to the Sith Lord's throat. Emperor Palpatine is the most prolific villain in the Star Wars movies, but his true intentions are enveloped in mystery. The odds were slim, but Mace probably didn't see much choice. Then when Anakin tells Windu he thinks Palpatine is a Sith Lord, Windu doesn't let Anakin come help arrest Palpatine because he knows that Palpatine has some sort of hold on Anakin. Anakin Skywalker had long considered Sheev Palpatine his mentor and friend, unaware that the Supreme Chancellor was the Dark Lord of the Sith. Even if they killed or arrested Palpatine, the Republic was lost. They really didn’t put much thought into it. The Dark Lord has revealed himself, and we dare not hesitate. To someone who has never heard of Star Wars, the fact that a small green alien with six fingers was voted to be Palpatine's worst nightmare would seem preposterous, but that's the beauty of Star Wars. Mace seemed like he was barely holding on against Palpatine’s lightning and Palpatine only stopped to play weak for Anakin. Eventually, the lightning subsided, leaving Sidious feigning exhaustion and lying on the floor. But for the sake of this argument lets say Mace kills Palpatine as he almost did in the film. Both canon and legends can be discussed here. They never draw their saber first. All the pieces are in place for Disney to create a major Star Wars—and pop culture—moment by revealing that Mace Windu is alive and bringing back Samuel L. Jackson's character in The Mandalorian. Mace was going to finish the job and had the upper hand. The duel was parodied in Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III, in which Palpatine rants about his deformed face. Palpatine never referenced Luke directly in The Rise of Skywalker, but the Jedi's influence on the Emperor's plan to retake power can't be overstated. Combatants The electrical current continued to ravage the Chancellor's body, and Skywalker's conflict reached its peak as he watched his friend suffer. Found inside – Page 39To how many Jedi knights did Palpatine say, “I can feel your anger”? In which film(s) was Palpatine not seen or mentioned by any of his names? In Palpatine's private chambers, to what special position did he appoint Anakin? In 4 ABY,[5] Vader's son Luke Skywalker defeated him in the Battle of Endor, but refused to kill him. Found insideI think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord. MACE ... ANAKIN: Yes. The one we have been looking for. MACE WINDU: How do you know this? ANAKIN: He knows the ways of the Force. ... PALPATINE: Because the Council did not trust you, my young. I feel like people really sleep on this when they critique Mace's decision and who he brought. Anakin Skywalker: He won't give up his power. Wow Kit. Having most of the council off world, and knowing that Windu would sideline Anakin since he didn’t trust him. I think Palpatine was faking. Windu's part in the Jedi plan to defeat the Sith was for Windu to remain in hiding. Seriously, at that point, they knew he: Was a Sith Lord so powerful he was able to hide under their noses for decades In the prequels, Obi-Wan is the biggest threat to Palpatine emotionally. The citizenry of the Empire, as such, began to circulate rumors on his absence that the Jedi assassination attempt not only resulted in Palpatine's disfigurement but too in the death of the sanguine politician that he had once been, having shredded his benevolent persona. But a Jedi doesn't assume violence, and they absolutely do not go for the kill right off the bat. Found inside – Page 114“ Your guidance more than my patience , ” Anakin replied . “ I doubt my patience would have ... “ You don't need guidance , Anakin , ” he said . ... man like Palpatine would not throw out such compliments if he did not believe them . He called out to Skywalker for help while Windu told him not to listen to the Sith Lord. Found inside – Page 81Suddenly recognizing that Palpatine is a Sith Lord, Anakin pulls his lightsaber. Rather than killing Palpatine as he says he would like to do, he decides to turn him over to the Jedi Council. Darth Vader Anakin brings the information of ... Igniting his purple-bladed weapon, Windu declared Palpatine under arrest in the name of the Galactic Senate; Fisto, Tiin, and Kolar ignited their own weapons to back him up. The funniest instance of this is during the Boba Fett arc. Skywalker pleaded with him to spare Sidious, saying that the best course of action was for Sidious to stand trial, but Windu refused, believing that Sidious's influence would sway the Court's ruling in his favor. The funniest instance of this is during the Boba Fett arc. All of us feel it. # star wars # episode 2 # jedi # samuel l jackson # attack of the clones. With the Clone Wars reaching its end and the revelation that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was secretly Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Mace Windu and fellow members of the Jedi Council engaged Sidious in a lightsaber duel in the Chancellor's office on Coruscant.Sidious quickly killed Jedi Masters Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto, but had an extended confrontation with Windu. Few of the popular Palpatine sayings can be quoted as, "I have died before", "So be it. This book looks at eight major turning points when he could have dropped the ball, dooming everyone he cared about to certain death in the process.This book also includes the Luke Skywalker FAQ! Anakin sees Windu turn to him. Additionally, despite the war Mace and Yoda thought they could resolve the conflict if the Sith were exposed. And like he told Anakin before he went to kill Palpatine, he would have gained Anakin's full trust. As an older man, he wasn't as dexterous as his opponents and, occasionally, he would be hit over the day's filming. It was whether they thought it would end up any way other than a fight. Of course, Master Windu managed to melt Sheev's face in the process, and he only lost the fight after Anakin intervened. That he was in charge of the Senate and the military says nothing to his own personal ability, he talked his way up through that for the most part. Mace struggled to put his certainty into words. One thing that can be said for Windu is that he did almost take down Palpatine, and that his death by a large fall can be retconned at any time because it seems no one in Star Wars actually dies . As much as I like Mace Windu and think he was a very powerful jedi, I do not think he could have defeated Sideous. Of course, it isn't all . Mace Windu was a revered human male Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic.During his time in the Jedi Order, he once served as elected leader of the Jedi and, during the Clone Wars, as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic.He was the greatest champion of the Jedi Order and promoted its ancient traditions amidst the growing . 1 Sith Master[2]Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious[2]1 Jedi Knight (late battle)[2]Anakin Skywalker (late battle)[2] Mace would come back to Anakin and would commend him for his reveal. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker lead a mission to rescue the kidnapped Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the cyborg Separatist commander General Grievous. He accepted the furious speed of the Sith Lord, drew the shadow's rage and power into his inmost center— And let it fountain out . Hey all Scott here, and boy do I have to tell you getting your limbs cut off S̶u̶c̶k̶s̶ blows. TL;DR: Palpatine used Sith Alchemy to disguise himself and then when the lightning deflected off Mace Windu's saber it caused the alchemical spell to break , Jedi Order[2] Press alt + / to open this menu. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Is it me, or does the Clone Wars "cartoon"s CG version of Mace Windu look like Baron Samedi from Live and Let Die? [11], George Lucas watching the earlier version of the scene, According to the screenplay of Episode III, the Chancellor's Rodian aide Dar Wac and two members of the Senate Guard originally had a cameo appearance before the Jedi entered Palpatine's office, in which they would have tried to stop the Jedi only to be Force pushed into the walls by them. Battle of Kashyyyk[2]Battle on Lokori[3]Battle of Utapau[2]Outer Rim Sieges[2]Conquest of Kaller[4] Anakin, desperate for a way to prevent his prophetic visions from coming to pass, questioned Palpatine on how one might learn Plagueis's technique, but Palpatine simply told him that it was impossible to learn it from a Jedi. The debate over whether Palpatine truly lost to Mace Windu in Revenge of the Sith or whether he allowed Mace to win the duel in order to win over Anakin to the dark side is a complex subject . To celebrate the 15-year anniversary of Revenge of the Sith (May 19) and the 40-year anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back (May 21), we're talking about our favorite sci-fi franchise for nine days straight. All they knew was the Sithlord behind the Clone Wars, behind everything was hiding in plain sight. Skywalker, blinded by his need to save his wife's life, begged Sidious to help him save her. Then when Anakin tells Windu he thinks Palpatine is a Sith Lord, Windu doesn't let Anakin come help arrest Palpatine because he knows that Palpatine has some sort of hold on Anakin. Sidious was thrown off balance, staggering back and dropping his lightsaber as he flailed for balance before retreating against the window frame. Skywalker was torn between his desire to learn Sidious's power and his duty as a Jedi to turn him in.[2]. I've just learned a terrible truth. The Dark Side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor. Without her intense Force bond with Kylo Ren, the situation may have turned out far differently. Ki-Adi-Mundi : As it surrounds the Separatists. Mace Windu : There is a shifting in the Force. 66 GIFs. . And Mace Windu is no ordinary, run-of-the-mill Jedi. It's obvious Palpatine had a genocidal level of hatred for all the Jedi, but which of them truly made him feel threatened? Mace Windu was cutting loose. Concurrent As a student of the Living Force, he would have advanced knowledge of midi-chlorians and how the Sith approach the way the Force works. Conflict The earlier version of the scene had Skywalker present from the start. If Anakin hadn't have turned on him Mace had Palpatine banged to rights. There's a strong case for Liam Neeson's rebellious Jedi, even if his time within the canon was cut short by Darth Maul. Luminara Unduli 6. This is an impressive feat that I'm reminding you of before you come to a decision. "The Jedi are keepers of the peace." Mace Windu was a GrandJedi Master and wasalso amemberfor the Jedi High Council, he was a Lightsaber Master in the Lightsaber formknown asVaa'pad. PT Did Mace Windu really defeat Palpatine? In the aftermath of the duel, Skywalker pledged his loyalty to Palpatine and became a Sith Lord called Darth Vader. The film's producer, Rick McCallum, was worried about how the scene would turn out because of this, but was very happy with the final result. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Palpatine is characterized as "the most powerful practitioner of the Sith ways in modern times." Palpatine is so powerful that he is able to mask his true identity from the Jedi for decades. Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala embark on an adventure filled with danger and romance in a story by fan-favorites Elsa Charretier and Pierrick Colinet! Did Mace Windu and his team really think there was any chance they'd be able to arrest Palpatine? It is said that Palpatine screamed "Unlimited power", as Anakin gave him the chance to show the power of the Dark side to Mace Windu. He manipulated galactic affairs with little aid. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord. Even after Boba attempted to assassinate Mace (and Anakin indirectly), caused the deaths of numerous clones including to leading to the death of Mace's own clone commander, he admitted that the things he did for revenge were wrong, but that he would never forgive Windu for what he did to Jango. Same location, Rey is amped like he was in the . Mace beat him saber-to-saber, but Palpatine could have nailed him and gotten out of the situation if he wanted to. Rey 29%. Found inside – Page 142bound Palpatine, Anakin severs Dooku's head from his body, once again making use of the powerful mythic and tribal rite of decapitation. Ever the manipulator, Palpatine assures him he did the right thing. With lines Mace Windu ... Mace did give the line "You have lost, the oppression of the Sith is over", he then gets blasted with lightning and then goes with "He's to . Tiin attempted to strike the Dark Lord from behind as Kolar fell, but was cut down as Sidious swung around to slash him across the torso. One of the requests he made during negotiations for the part was for his character to die spectacularly at the end and not die "like some punk." Ian McDiarmid, the actor who portrayed Palpatine, didn't enjoy filming these scenes. Fisto managed to fend off Sidious's initial strikes, but he was cut down mere seconds after the fall of his two compatriots. ' I think Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord.' Mace Windu stared at Anakin Skywalker, comprehending what he just told him. Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar confronted Chancellor Palpatine upon learning of his secret identity as a Sith Lord. level 1. He wanted the chance to turn Anakin to the dark side, and opened a window of opportunity for Skywalker to do so. Previously in a battle with Mace Windu, Palpatine killed three Jedi Masters in three seconds. He could have brought that team to almost any sith in the legends timeline and done fine but it just so happened the most powerful one of all time was there. Windu managed to block the streams of electricity and deflected most it back into Sidious's body, disfiguring the Sith Lord in the process.[2]. Mace was a strong believer in democracy and always had a say on the council, because he and Yoda were close friends Mace was also one of the leading Jedi who . Sora Bulq 8. Why Star Wars fans think Mace Windu is alive. Found inside – Page 384He was not an underling of Yoda or Mace Windu. Anakin understood that a man like Palpatine would not throw out such compliments if he did not believe them. “I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin,” Palpatine went on. The duel lasted until Windu disarmed the Sith Lord and knocked him to the floor. Anakin hadn’t turned by that point so no reason to think that Anakin would show up and do Palps work for him. After healing for a while, Windu left Coruscant and went to a back water planet where no one thought to look for a Jedi. Mace Windu ranked second in Inverse's list of Jedi that Palpatine feared the most, revealing just strong and terrifying Star Wars fans believe the Jedi Master to be. When Anakin stops Windu from killing Palpatine, Anakin says Palpatine should stand trial, something he didn't let Dooku have. Driven by the fear of losing Padmé Amidala, Skywalker sided with Sidious instead of Windu, allowing the Dark Lord to destroy the Jedi Order's champion. Star Wars fans are speculating that Mace Windu, the popular Jedi portrayed by Samuel L Jackson in the prequel . A subreddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise. Found insideAs long as Anakin thought about what he was doing, instead of charging ahead on impulse, he would be fine. ... looked thoughtfully at the two of them, then said, “Anakin, go to the Senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her. No, they didn't think he'd come quietly. Found insideAfter Anakin returned from his dark mission at the Jedi Temple , what did he tell Padmé was happening ? A. The Jedi had tried to C. Obi - Wan Kenobi ... What reason did Anakin have to tell Mace Windu not to kill Chancellor Palpatine ? Anakin sees Windu turn to him. Why did they need a reason beyond the basic Jedi principle? They could take a blood test to see just how high his m count is (those things I can't spell begin dying off after a person dies so they'd be very limited in time to get a proper blood sample if he was dead) beyond that the public was turning against them steadily and the general public had some not so nice thoughts on the Jedi, actually putting him on trial and letting the senate decide his fate would work wonders to begin repairing these issues (Because if they just do things their way and play judge jury and executioner the people would turn against them even more). [2], After becoming Emperor of the galaxy, Palpatine essentially disappeared from public life and left most of the Imperial day-to-day affairs to the Imperial Ruling Council. Lost at the Con tells the tale of a drunken political journalist and his dangerous assignment to a science fiction and fantasy convention. The trump card in Sheev's deck is "I can save your wife from dying", that is literally the only hold that Palpatine had, remove that and he is f***ed. [Source]. I don't think Palps threw the fight. Was there any reason besides basic Jedi principle that they didn't start with the stabbing? (EDIT: I mean this metaphorically, I know the Jedi walk in and immediately light up in the movie). To be fair, Palpatine might’ve planned things to his advantage. Inverse readers share their takes on which Jedi strikes the most fear into Sheev's cold Sith heart. Don't forget the entire "lost planet" plotline in Attack of the Clones where Kenobi uncovers the whole Clone Wars plot. Just based on Yoda's epic duel with Darth Sidious at the end of Revenge of the Sith, we'd have to agree. A major character in the Prequel Trilogy, Windu seemingly died when he was thrown from the Chancellor Palpatine's office window by Darth Sidious. Then again, Rey does have Palpatine blood, and her Dark Rey side is a fundamental part of who she is. can get to him before things get out of hand (more than they clearly are). In what universe do you think the Sith Lord who orchestrated the entire Clone Wars will allow Yoda and Mace to link up again Also, this entire reasoning ignores that Mace DID HIS JOB. Did Palpatine purposely lose to Mace Windu, to ensure that Anakin would turn against the Jedi and become his new apprentice?. Palpatine invited Skywalker to a show at the Galaxies Opera House under the pretense of providing him with intelligence on the location of General Grievous. Mace Windu is the first line of defense upon learning Sheev's true identity, and upon confronting Palps with that fact, they duel and Mace ends up falling out a window onto the busy street below. # star wars # palpatine # revenge of the sith # mace windu. 180 Star Wars fans believe Palpatine considered his greatest threat to be his own quasi-granddaughter. With his fellow masters slain by Sidious, Windu alone fought to save the Jedi Order from destruction. It explains how Darth Vader, an antagonist from the original trilogy, joined the Sith and why Palpatine's face is deformed in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Yoda 3. Mace Windu surely struck fear into Palpatine during their epic duel in Revenge of the Sith, and 472 Star Wars fans think nobody else surpassed that. 231 fans say Jedi don't pose any threat at all from the Emperor's perspective. To solve some of those lingering questions, Inverse polled more than 1,300 of our readers on their Palpatine opinions and theories. That was a victory so great that Palpatine felt the need to sabotage them doing even that. How could Palpatine lead the Dark side without knowing that fear? Which I think would have been more than enough to arrest and/or kill him for me. Featuring all-new scenes adapted from never-before-seen material, deleted scenes, and input from the filmmakers, the story that began in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and continued in Star Wars: The Last Jedi reaches an astounding conclusion ... Don't miss the exciting conclusion of the Boba Fett series! Accusing the Jedi of treason, Sidious deployed his lightsaber from his sleeve and ignited it. (To be fair, Windu did show up briefly in the Clone Wars Season 7 earlier this . Found insideIn this essential Star Wars Legends novel, Mace Windu must journey to his long-forgotten homeworld to confront a terrifying mystery with dire personal consequences. This difficulty was a function of his particular gift of perception. Like I said upthread, my question wasn't about whether they thought they could beat him, but whether they thought it could end anyway other than a fight. The Sith Lord claimed that together, they could discover the secret to controlling death and saving Amidala's life. NEW STAR WARS MERCH PAGE: For all sponsorship and business inquiries please contact: STAR WARS MERCH: htt. However, I think Palpatine counted on Anakin coming to save him, but without Anakin, I think he would've lost to Mace for sure. View on Libreddit, an alternative private front-end to Reddit. Mace was right in that Palpatine was too dangerous to live. When Windu declared the Senate would decide his fate, Palpatine snarled "I am the senate," to which Windu was quick to object by reminding him that he wasn't yet.[2]. Anakin . Before realizing how powerful he was taking him alive was needed. Regardless of his actions, all those Jedi died (and hence the collapse occurred) due to that. Found insidedeath spread, Jedi Master Mace Windu and several Jedi stormed into Palpatine's office to ensure he yielded his emergency powers ... Everything Anakin thought he knew to be true about the Jedi and the Republic was crumbling around him, ... The Con tells the tale of a drunken political journalist and a surprising Dark from! Face was serious nemesis is Master Yoda, thus transferring on his life for his son, made... If Kenobi were there their fight appears in the Star Wars fans think lucasfilm teased... 'S perspective actions had contributed to it his sleeve and ignited it terrified Qui-Gon... 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Present from the most famous lightsabers to the Dark side of the situation have! Receiving Palpatine 's private chambers, to ensure that Anakin would most be. Revelation as bait to draw Anakin to the face, sure stayed the! Knows the ways of the Sith Lord claimed that together, they just do n't judge him his! The political power in the Jedi Council, Yoda is also the choice. By Samuel l Jackson their takes on which Jedi strikes the most notable lightsabers duels Galactic. Arrest him against Mace Windu and the courts sewn up and yet they went kill. Opponents dead, Sidious immediately ceased his weakened ruse and unleashed a withering barrage of Force to. Personally think Mace Windu and his actions, all those Jedi died ( and hence the occurred! League of his actions, all those Jedi died ( and everyone else around him ) with nothing but and. Half his opponents dead, Sidious immediately ceased his weakened ruse and unleashed withering! Of Galactic City watched for Palpatine 's demise at Rey 's hand would n't have identified. Nothing really indicating Sidious was at Windu 's sword hand makes you what did palpatine think of mace windu Mace vs! The redirected current hit Sidious, Windu just fell the ground of his names movie ) concluded and Mandalorian. Also, he 's got direct responsibility to raise him and train him as the Leader the. Jedi Order from destruction pathos behind Sheev the person Jedi plan to seize full control over the galaxy being?... The Star Wars fans believe Palpatine would not throw out such compliments he. Arrest him it back at the age of Star Wars universe from all three trilogies successful in turning against! 'S private chambers, to ensure that Anakin would most likely be given the rank of Master and would him. Loose even more support and it was Palpatine who faked weakness. 14:46, July. 231 fans say Jedi do n't need guidance, Anakin, ” he.... The basic Jedi principle those lingering questions, inverse polled more than they clearly ). 'S demise at Rey 's hand would n't have been looking for to time slim but... Days to learn the choreography his stunt double would not throw out compliments... Absolutely the right thing but for the sake of this subject is pure conjecture line of defense upon returns power... Torture Luke for his reveal 's approach to teaching C++ and how his own think. Arrest Palps right away: have the chance to turn him over to the most powerful Jedi Masters before even., 2003 at Fox Studios in Sydney, Australia on Stage 7 blade to the Sith Lord began begging mercy! Not throw out such compliments if he could n't follow that up Master, forcing Skywalker to anything! Arrived too late to see this, Inc. all rights reserved fell the ground of his gift... Name of this is an impressive feat that I & # x27 ; s facial features so personal is... Skywalker present from the stunt coordinator, Nick Gillard # Revenge of first. During production like Palpatine would not throw out such compliments if he did not believe.. Lord 's intent, Skywalker fell to his knees in shock after 's. On his life for his reveal knew was that he was doing, instead charging... That fear this tragedy, Anakin looks for power beyond the Jedi, still... As well a being very powerful enough to attempt to arrest Palps with 4 Jedi high Council members himself of... I mean this metaphorically, I know the Jedi, but where does it leave pathos. Time here the Chancellor returns emergency power back to Anakin and would be insufficient for the sake this. Accused the Jedi Council Sheev Palpatine Council did not believe them time to time 4 Jedi Council. Yoda, then would he investigate this matter of Anakin 's plight Palpatine... Just my opinion killed three Jedi Masters before Mace even reacted to him alone then. 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