Hyroh might've fought back. After Braga ended the transmission, the Hero received another visit from Master Din's ghost, who warned the Knight of Sajar's predicament and asked his student to aid him. Echope dreams in Carbonite and is reunited with an old friend, becoming the Outlander and leading the resistance to Arcann. It was not long before the Knight and Carsen arrived at the first relay, which was guarded by a well-armored Imperial combat droid, and overloaded it. The engineering team for the Planet Prison had disappeared, and the prototype in the lab was a fake—Tarnis had the real weapon. Wary that Fulminiss might be near, the Knight entered the Sanctum's main chamber, but found only wreckage and signs of battle around an ancient stone obelisk. An updated, illustrated history of the Star Wars universe--based on the Star Wars films and other authorized sources--provides a comprehensive overview of the saga, from the origins of the Jedi to the exploits of Leia and Han's children. Watcher One was a high-ranking intelligence officer, and attempted to undermine the Jedi's confidence by revealing his knowledge of the Knight's exploits on Tython. Despite the Knight's concern, the younger Jedi wished Din luck and continued onward to Nefarid's base. The Republic, Jedi, and the Resistance plan their attacks. [20], In a meeting with Var Suthra, Galen, and Carsen, the Knight learned that the SIS and Carsen had traced Tarnis' location to a military vault in Justicar territory. Leia gives its pair to Rey so she can reunite with … The Knight defeated Praven in combat but refused to kill him, as it was not the Jedi way. The count had been the last to see Master Din, and he was awaiting the Knight's arrival at Castle Organa, but Imperial forces had damaged several holorelays in the area. After months of training as a Sith under Overseer Chaskar, the Hero was freed by the ghost of Master Din and escaped from the space station with the unlikely help of the Emperor's Wrath Scourge, the Emperor's personal executioner. However, Kimble interjected and asked to accompany the Knight, as he was well-versed with the factory's layout and defenses. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (78) Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (46) The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (45) The Lord of the Rings - … (OC x Aayla)(Barriss x OC)possibly(Ahsoka x OC)SYOC. The Knight and a companion met Praven on the Esus Mesa. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. The pair quickly raced to the rift, over which the bridge to the deeper prison was situated, and fought their way down the platforms that the Imperials had built to hold the explosives. The other pairs arrived at the shuttle around the same time as the Hero, and the group gathered to plan their assault. Despite the Emperor's immense power, the Knight apparently struck down the Sith ruler, for which the Hero was awarded the Cross of Glory and the rank of Jedi Master. The Imperial introduced himself and his men as members of the Imperial Guard, specially trained to kill Jedi, and ordered the Jedi to surrender: they were outnumbered.[61]. Introduced as the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, she is the central protagonist of the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series.Ahsoka reappears in Star Wars Rebels, where she uses the codename Fulcrum, and as a voiceover cameo in the 2019 live-action film Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The six regrouped at the shuttle before returning to Kaas City and their own ship, where the Hero immediately reported the mission's success to the Grand Master so that she could order the fleet to fall back. Rusk and Privates Edder, Reico, Vanth, Voshpar, and Dromol opened fire as the Imperials charged, and the Hero quickly leapt into the fray. Clone Wars established that a young Obi-Wan had a secret romantic relationship with Satine Kryze, the future Duchess of Mandalore. Bengel Morr's planned execution of his master is interrupted by the arrival of Din's Padawan. [112], Lord Scourge's relationship with the Hero of Tython was unique amongst the Knight's companions—it "began" several centuries before the Jedi's own birth. Star Wars has finally cleared up a mystery from Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, explaining why Palpatine was kidnapping Force-sensitive children across the galaxy.The most powerful Sith Lord of all time, Darth Sidious was the mastermind behind the fall of the Jedi Order and the establishment of his Empire. When he asked to go in the Knight's place, the Hero agreed to bow to the will of the Council, and both Kiwiiks and Shan stated their trust in the Knight. Valen-Da and the Hero watch Tala-Reh sacrifice herself. Leaving the Russet Slopes, the Hero crossed into the nexu- and mawvorr-infested Flamewood forest in order to find and disable the three scramblers. Their conversation was interrupted when a villager named Eseni rushed into the building, shouted that the village's crop fields were under attack by the Flesh Raiders. As he acknowledged the apprentice's power, Morr claimed that he understood his destiny now: he would be the Padawan's herald, and asked the Jedi to allow him to leave and prepare the galaxy for the apprentice's rise to power. However, when the shield was deactivated, Bengel Morr contacted the Jedi and told the Padawan of his goal: the destruction of the Jedi Order, whose weakness he believed had allowed the Sith to win the Great Galactic War. Sedoru had recently confirmed the prototype's presence, and Braga sent the Hero to Balmorra to assist the other Jedi in recovering the device so that they could reverse-engineer it. [64] As the six worked together on battlefields across the galaxy, they came to rely on each other, and the group's personalities were greatly shaped by their interactions. The Kel Dor asked the Hero and company to find and help Sajar, as the military base would fall without Jedi aid. However, the Knight foiled Angral's attempts to use the Desolator against Tython and defeated the Sith Lord in battle, and as a result, Grand Master Satele Shan granted the Knight the ceremonial title of "Hero of Tython.". Kiwiiks also left her Padawan with the Knight and Tarnis, and she suggested that Carsen's security expertise might be useful. With the colonists now safe, the Knight and the Jedi's companion rushed to the Imperial Intelligence Outpost in the depths of the partially-collapsed Transport Station 5. Before he terminated the call, Tarnis informed the Jedi that Coruscant was doomed and ordered Salarr to kill the Jedi. As Teeseven and the Jedi returned to the cockpit, Carsen brought their ship around through the asteroid field and docked with the besieged Wanderer-class transport. But in the race to protect their home, they might find themselves consumed- or worse, torn apart forever. The resistance had agreed to help locate the prototype, but they needed access to the Imperial computer network, and the only connection point was in Sobrik—the Empire's base of operations on Balmorra. Remmy then fled the factory through the hole that the Knight had created in the factory's defenses. There, the Hero found a Kaleesh by the name of Grossh with a group of heavily armed pirates. The Knight cuts open the door, with Orgus Din watching from the other side. Around the time of the Great Hyperspace War thirteen hundred years ago, the Sith who would become the Emperor had tricked other Sith Lords into performing a dark ritual, one that resulted in the annihilation of all life on the planet Nathema and the Emperor's own immortality. Republic troopers broke out into cheers and saluted the Hero, Carsen, and even Scourge as the trio passed them, and the three were directed to one of the Valiant's main hangar bays. Scourge had learned of the Emperor's plans to consume the life of the entire galaxy as he had done on his homeworld of Nathema a thousand years prior, and Scourge allied himself with the two Jedi in order to thwart the Emperor's plans. The trio stormed the Emperor's throne room within the Imperial Citadel on the Empire's capital of Dromund Kaas, where they fought their way through the elite Imperial Guard. Sedoru was pleased to see the cloaking device and, after asking the Hero to contact Master Braga, departed to deliver it to Tython. The Hero of Tython and Barsenthor of the Republic confront Darth Nox, who has become the emperor of Zakuul and the Sith. [15], After the Jedi promised to recover the Selkath's weapon, the apprentice stayed with Laotah until he succumbed to his wounds and died, and then attacked the camp within the Forsaken Den. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The oldest of the four, a Human male named Darth Angral, congratulated Tarnis and called him "son." Transfixed, the Knight watched as Angral turned away from his opponent, refusing the Jedi's request to let go of his hatred as Din stumbled to his feet. [34] The sector was one of the busiest on Nar Shaddaa,[33] so if the Jedi knocked out several power conduits in the sector, the SIS would be able to sort through the remaining power readings and hopefully locate the project lab. The Hero receives a visit from Orgus Din's Force ghost. The Mystic ordered Tala-Reh and the Jedi to meet him in the Dark Heart,[73] an ancient Sith ruin[74] situated in the heart of the region known as the Nightmare Lands. Leaping to the Jedi Master's defense, the Knight somersaulted over the two assassins and cut them down with a single sweeping cut before they could react. The older man warned his fellow Jedi that the recent fighting around Sobrik had stirred up a Colicoid nest, and the insectoids were swarming toward the city's outskirts. The Order had confirmed Fulminiss's presence on the planet, but several Imperial signal scramblers were masking the encrypted comm relay that he was using to speak with the Emperor. [9], With this knowledge, Scourge betrayed his allies when he killed Surik, an act that allowed the Emperor to capture Revan. As a newly elevated Jedi Knight, Din's former apprentice foiled a plot by the Sith Lord Tarnis to use the Planet Prison superweapon against the Republic capital planet of Coruscant. Having accomplished the mission, the Knight traveled to Outpost Zerek at the edge of the Starship Graveyard and met with Narezz in the base's command bunker. The two were interrupted when Sergeant Larkin, one of the survivors who was being held captive, shouted at Avers and Kimble from the level below that his men were dying. It’s pretty difficult to say given the number of incredible possibilities. After catching the saboteurs by surprise and disarming the bombs, the group entered the access corridor to the bridge and eliminated the dozen or so Imperials within, including a Sith assassin who was holding the ship's command crew hostage. [59], However, before the Hero and Kimble could continue, Finley contacted them. Angral's forces had captured Carsen after Imperial spies aboard the station recognized her, and Angral himself had come to the station to interrogate her. After they traveled to the Lower Industrial Sector, the pair stormed the factory and eliminated all opposition within the outer chambers. Obsessed With The Mandalorian — More than partners ( The Star Wars: The Clone Wars' scene teases Ahsoka's future on The Mandalorian' Delivers Its Most Violent. However, the scientists were worried that the prisoners might have gotten hold of the weapons developed by their research in the prison's power core, and the Hero detoured to Vault S-86 on the way to the Maximum Security Section. The player is subsequently referred to as the Hero of Tython by many characters in the Knight's later class quests. Accomplishing this, the Jedi returned to the safety of the facility and met with Hare'en, who had detected the Shock Drum's locator beacon. In the the time of the clone wars the two greatest Jedi Generals were Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. With their plan in place, the three teams set off through the graveyard. While Kimble and the resistance members hurried his patients away from the danger, the Knight and the Jedi's companion fought through a swarm of insectoids. /sw/ - Star Wars. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Star Wars is a science fiction/fantasy franchise made by George Lucas, starting in 1977 and running to this day. There, the two found the terrified Jawas hiding from the sand demon and its spawn and ordered them to stay put while they dealt with the creature. The senator and Colonel Brint make their cases to the Hero and the other Jedi. The Knight's Sith Overseer, Chaskar, instructs the Hero in the use of the Tormentor device on Carsen. Zackin begged the Hero and Aharo to rescue the prisoners that the Empire was kidnapping from Corellian prisons, as he believed that they were innocent until proven guilty and did not deserve the Empire's harsh treatment. Before there was a legend, there was a man. Scourge urged the Council to act immediately, but Kaedan bristled at the Sith's inclusion of himself in their plans and drew his lightsaber. She knew she wasn't exactly the poster child for the perfect Jedi. Sajar's latest assignment was guarding the Republic Military's Adrenal Research Base on Quesh, a planet valued for chemicals used in adrenals, which would have been a relatively quiet mission if the Empire had not invaded. Power in such magnitude had always been beyond her wildest dreams and she refuses to waste this chance. The soldier was confident that the base could hold out until reinforcements arrived, but he suddenly detected movement outside the shield. When the Knight tried to warn Tala-Reh of the threat that Fulminiss presented to Voss, the conversation was interrupted by several Sith apprentices—all of whom seemed mad with fear. I've been seeing a lot of Star Wars threads lately, so I apologize for creating yet another one. [37], On Tython, the two met with Grand Master Shan so that Carsen could explain the truth of her past. On Yavin 4, Jacen, Jaina, and the other young Jedi Knights have already discovered one truth about the Alliance--once you go to Ryloth, you either join, or you die. When Sajar stated that he had failed Braga, the Hero comforted the Padawan by reminding him that Braga had sent the Knight to help Sajar because he cared for his student. The Kel Dor planned to assemble a strike team of Jedi to capture the Emperor and bring him to Tython. While in the city of Raider's Cove, the Jedi Master was called through the Force to an old house on the western edge of town. The Knight and a companion then traveled to the Dark Heart separately from Tala-Reh, as the monsters and creatures that inhabited the region were more likely to attack larger groups. The Hero of Tython's appearance in The Old Republic: Revan marked the first appearance of a class character outside of the game. [49], Somersaulting back up the steps to the highest level of the bridge, Carsen stood watching as the Knight rose and informed the Emperor that Angral was dead. In this essential Star Wars Legends novel, the second in the Darth Bane trilogy, the fearsome Sith lord takes on a deadly new apprentice. Hacklin asked to meet Carsen and the Knight at an abandoned mining facility. When the Knight protested to the use of such technology, Suthra explained that this side effect had only recently been discovered, and that he had banned further testing of the weapon. RE-M0 then tracked Godera to one of his laboratories near Lake Brell to the south, and since the droid was not suited for combat, the Knight told the droid to remain where he was. Coming across the computer, the Knight entered the machine's own coordinates into it and set the weapon to fire, racing out the chamber as the Death Mark rendered itself inoperable. At the Hero's request, Morr agreed to meet Aharo and the other reinforcements, and the Knight moved on to locate the other Jedi. The ME-Ds opened fire as their master charged at the Knight, forcing the Jedi and a companion to defend themselves against attacks from several directions at once. However, before the Jedi could respond, the Imperial proposed a deal: a Sith assassin was on the way to eliminate a Republic colony nearby, and Watcher One would give the Knight the location of the colony in exchange for time to interrogate the scientist; the operative would then give the Knight Godera once he had acquired what he needed. However, Brint arrived to report that the building was clear and that he had found the doctor's work. While the Knight departed Corellia to confront the Emperor, the Hero transferred command of the Jedi forces to the general, who promised to put them to good use in the final push to liberate Corellia, and the Knight returned to the spaceport to contact the Grand Master. [48], As the Daybreaker's crew prepared to approach the planet, the Knight and the Jedi's companion returned to their ship and contacted General Suthra. The not-so-good Doctor will make Luke an offer he can't afford to pass up...one that leads him to a very rare gathering at the heart of the infamous Screaming Citadel! Will Luke fi nd what he's looking for? Can Aphra be trusted? It is his first and only opportunity to prove himself capable. Story begins just before Shadow of Revan and goes into KOTFE/KOTET exploring what happens when the Commander and the Outlander are two separate people. [14][15] Din considered his Padawan's bravest moments on Tython to be during the conflict with the Flesh Raiders, when the Hero and Teeseven fought their way through an area controlled by an army of Flesh Raiders, and when the Padawan successfully defeated the far more experienced Bengel Morr with only a training lightsaber. As Angral collapsed dead to the floor, the now-possessed Padawan summoned the Sith's red-bladed saber to her hand and spun it, her body covered in shimmering dark Force energy. [8], The SIS agent informed the Knight that his scout droids had been destroyed by the Imperial defenses, but he gave the Jedi the coordinates of the small island just north of Oradam village where the listening post was located. but now a new Sith Order is about to rise The One Sith Order lead by Davin Thorin (OC) a former Jedi Master turned Sith will he succeed or will he fail in his quest. As the two returned to the doctor and the Jedi's companion, the Knight informed Senessa that Dal had attempted a bribe and should be removed from command. Angral was furious to learn that Watcher One had compromised with his son's killer, and he ordered the agent to take the Jedi alive and bring the Knight before him. Godera suggested that the Knight and crew board the Oppressor and disable the Desolator before it could fire, a plan with which the Jedi agreed. 2 Growing- A Star Wars AUPercy Jackson crossover » by kathryn.acrobat.fischmann Rey, a daughter of Demeter, was training with the gift of the Force at the resistance … One of Braga's former students—Warren Sedoru, another member of the strike team—was on the war-torn planet of Balmorra searching for a powerful cloaking device rumored to be on the world. Informing the Jedi that Krannus was already gone, Rayfel revealed that the scientists were not just hostages—they were batteries. There, the pair found the base under attack by Imperial assassin droids, as well as the probe droids of which Narezz had. ", Tarnis's death at the hands of the Knight caused the Lord's father, Darth Angral, to declare war against the Jedi Order and the Republic, which forced the Knight and crew to travel the galaxy in order to stop the Sith's apprentices from unleashing stolen Republic superweapons. Carsen charged at the Sith and attempted to strike him down, but Valis drew his purple-bladed saber in time to block the blow and threw her backward with the Force. Jedi Order[1]Jedi strike team[2]Galactic Republic[3]Coruscant Aegis[4]Sith Empire[5][6] Entering the bunker, the pair found the medical facility under attack by a swarm of Colicoids. The Hero congratulated Kimble on his quick thinking but was interrupted by the facility's alarms. Taldine quickly explained that he had warned Tabord to wait inside until the Hero arrived, but the Jedi had decided to scout the area instead and had been mortally injured after an encounter with an Imperial patrol. When the Hero explained the mission to stop Braga, the Togruta Master warned the Supreme Commander that she had never fully recovered from the effects of the Shock Drum on Tatooine. The Hero told Narezz to have Rusk head to the cavern immediately, while the two Jedi entered the cave from two directions. After further questioning, the Knight learned that Taldine was himself a prisoner, but one on good standing with the administration: he had been loaned out to Tabord because of his extensive knowledge of Belsavis's layout, and Tabord had given the Zabrak all of her information on Krannus's plans before dying of her wounds. Grayne assigned Rusk to the Knight indefinitely, and Rusk took his place as the fourth member of the Hero's crew. The Hero of Tython was a powerful Jedi Knight and later Jedi Master who battled the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Cold War and subsequent Galactic War, serving as the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order. ", the answer to that question was agreed that the … • STAR WARS THE CLONE WARS: SEASONS 5 AND 7 ... Ahsoka directed the Child and the Mandalorian duo towards the ancient Jedi planet of Tython. As Kimble began to check her health, the others questioned her on the prototype's whereabouts. However, their conversation was interrupted by Grand Master Shan, Masters Jaric Kaedan and Bela Kiwiiks, and Jomar Chul. True to the Order's tenet of humility, the Hero disliked praise and medals, believing that it was a Jedi's duty to serve the Republic regardless of the cost or rewards. Kiwiiks' last report was that she had secured the main research facility, but nothing since then, and the general suspected Imperial action. [5], At the Emperor's command, the Hero was placed in a kolto tank to heal until Scourge awoke the young Jedi. The 301st Infantry was being rotated back to Coruscant and the 88th Armor battalion was on its way to Hoth, but Grayne believed that Rusk was too valuable a soldier to waste on shore leave. The apprentice's shuttle arrives at the Masters' Retreat. Eliminating the ship's security chief Souske, the Knight used the chief's security station to unlock the blast door to the bridge, and the two Jedi fought through the last enemy-filled corridor to reach their objective. Telekinesis was another power that came naturally to the Knight, as well as the ability to guide a thrown lightsaber to the intended target across a battlefield. As the dust settled, Valen-Da congratulated the trio on their victory before revealing the reason he had accompanied Fulminiss: so that Tala-Reh would come to the Dark Heart. [102], When Teeseven almost gave up on reassembling Shafu's files because of the difficulty, the droid told the Hero the story of how he had failed in a mission to capture a GenoHaradan assassin who tried to kill a Muun ambassador, but the Jedi was able to inspire the astromech to continue working by convincing Teeseven that he had not failed—while the ambassador had resigned after the attempt, he had lived a long and prosperous life afterward thanks to Teeseven, and that was a success in the eyes of the Hero. *Voice- The Sith Lord that held this rank was the One Sith second in command; he or. asked Kylo. [33], Rieekan transmitted the coordinates of the center to the pair, who followed the trail and found that the facility was under the control of a group of Imperial shock troopers. Recently, the Republic had started a resettlement initiative supported by the Republic Military, and the reconstruction efforts had seen progress under the leadership of the Twi'lek Governor Leontyne Saresh. Before there was a legend, there was a man. [71], There, the commando informed the Knight that Valen-Da and Fulminiss had been last seen entering the Shrine of Healing, a holy site for the Voss species to the north. A final strike from the Hero sent an injured Braga to the floor, and the Knight rushed to the engine controls to deactivate the overloading machinery. [17] While the Hero's main expertise laid in the use of a lightsaber, the Knight was also proficient in the use of the Force in combat. Tao'Ven begged the Padawan to stop the Flesh Raiders, and the apprentice ventured into the village's agricultural fields to defeat the saboteurs and deactivate the toxin mines that the natives had deployed to destroy Kalikori's crops.[14]. [22], Upon returning to General Suthra at the Senate Tower and speaking with Grand Master Shan via holocomm, the Knight and Carsen learned from Suthra that Tarnis had sent the stolen superweapon files to his father before dying. Hyroh rescues Theron from the Dread Masters, but the damage has already been done. Before leaving, he gave the Hero the coordinates of the resistance base where Sedoru was located, and the Knight left the Imperial-held city.[56]. Weller's trust was proved valid when the Padawan was able to defeat the lightsaber-wielding and more experienced Dark Jedi Callef armed with only a vibrosword. But hey; the man saved him from Kamino so what did he have to lose? Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. He also gave the Knight the Emperor's location, believing that the Jedi would be nothing compared to the Emperor even in the Sith's weakened state, and asked the Hero to end his failure. Rising to his knees, Braga questioned why the Knight continued to fight—why the Jedi continued to struggle when nothing that anyone did mattered. Scourge would use his knowledge of Dromund Kaas's security to guide the Hero through the Imperial defenses, and the Republic fleet would engage the Empire above the planet in order to draw attention away from the Jedi's mission. ] therefore, this otherworldly volume captures it all that Watcher one further informed his opponent that required. Several conduits to slice into the Fortress, having set off through the star wars: the clone wars hero of tython fanfiction Mensaav Laboratory and the., Rieekan contacted the Grand Master Shan so that Carsen could explain the situation to the battlefield however. Jedi told the medic to take it gave her a kiss from Kira then. Others questioned her on the attackers while Rusk defended the facility 's room! Created in the facility, the others realized that my choices were becoming limited anything. 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