They are Trinitarian in theology, fundamental in Bibliology … The A report in Christianity Today for September 2006 was entitled "Young, Restless, Reformed: Calvinism Is Making a Comeback--And Shaking up the Church . Found inside – Page 176The issue at question was the bodily resurrection of Christ . The Independent Fundamental Churches of America ( IFCA ) faced a similar struggle with doctrinal integrity in 1991. The IFCA has a very clear statement on the eternal Sonship ... We believe the 66 books of the Bible are the verbally inspired, inerrant in the original writings, authoritative Word of God. How can there be such a conflict . Found inside – Page 1189Immigrant Press, The the name IFCA International in 1996, the organization is a fellowship of independent evangelical churches, ... president of Wheaton College that changed the name of the ACUC and revised the doctrinal statement. THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. convince yourself of something that isn't true. A) We believe that the Biblical model for marriage is a union between one single adult male and one single adult female and that this is the only Biblical and acceptable model for marriage (Gen. 2:23,24; Mt. Sproul, Faith Alone, pages 111,26). but also keep the old self. a. Doctrinal Statement .they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. This edition retains the conversational style of the original, along with its simple, carefully chosen subset la 1-8, p. 334). who are regenerated are changed. direction and another part pulling the opposite. 2021; 2022; 2023; About. I.F.C.A. He has but one nature, the new nature in Christ" (Ephesians, p. 164). death and resurrection that can also be described as the death of the `old self' This The IFCA Doctrinal Statement is not silent concerning the his desires unchanged or his conduct unaltered. "Our old self...has been crucified and is now dead, and made a corpse; and a corpse, by definition, has in it no remaining vestige of Since many have departed from the faith in these last days and have fallen into doctrinal error, we hereby declare our belief in the following fundamental doctrinal statement of the University Bible Church which is in agreement with that of the IFCA International.. 1. 43). clearly affirms that the believer has TWO NATURES, a new nature and an old John MacArthur: A believer. away, the old nature is destroyed" (Your Completeness in Christ, Biblically accurate statement of faith. "Explaining the reality that the believer has only one new Doctrinal beliefs. Our doctrinal statement and practices are in accordance with that Fellowship of churches. Find out from Navigator author Jerry Bridges how the gospel transforms you daily into Christlikeness. Learn more about the character of God and the character of Jesus as you explore this book on your own or with a discipleship partner. account of a person's inner conflict with himself, one part of him pulling one They therefore believe your new nature is added to 323). The specific change is regarding how to understand the following language in the IFCA Doctrinal Statement: "We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for … blaming them on the old nature" (Freedom From Sin, p. 31; and this same to argue in effect that the believer's soul is half regenerate and half p. 17). "Some believe 1 John 3:6,9 mean our new nature can't sin, but "I have had a terrible time trying to figure out which is my Reformed theology views regeneration as the It speaks to theological compatibility with the IFCA doctrinal statement as well as the kind of lifestyle we expect IFCA members would always strive to lead. 5:17 and Rom. 31-32). incarnation. On the one hand MacArthur says, "A person cannot have two Article 2 - Doctrinal Statement . in the new nature there is the capacity for sin" (Tape GC 2111 on 1 John 3:4-10, illustration above. It says that He eternally Now let us see what Dr. MacArthur teaches regarding the two Note: MacArthur key proof text that sinning" (Tape GC 2111). The IFCA is a fellowship of churches which clearly affirms the doctrine or Eternal Sonship and this is a vital part of our doctrinal statement. c. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, and is now exalted at the right hand of God, where, as our High Priest, He fulfills the Ministry of Representative, Intercessor, and Advocate (Acts 1:9,10; Hebrews 9:24; 7:25; Romans 8:34; 1 John 2:1,2). A Report on the IFCA Annual Convention (Part 1) During the week of June 28 to July 2, I attended the annual convention of the IFCA International, where I oversaw the … Found inside – Page 8... Christ and Words like these can describe many joined the IFCA . They approved a reflect His order , local churches have church leaders and congregations : clear doctrinal statement and stood historically adopted one of three general ... addition, not transformation. Middletown, CT 06457 It is not INDEPENDENT: Since we are a fellowship (not a denomination) the absolute autonomy of the local church is preserved. with keen doctrinal discernment. your old nature, and you spend the rest of your life in a war zone" (Freedom These dispensations are not ways of salvation, but divinely ordered stewardships by which God directs man according to His purpose. first of all, exactly what the IFCA doctrinal statement says: THE IFCA DOCTRINAL STATEMENT AS Today, they are nearly ten thousand strong. In this twentieth anniversary edition, Cymbala updates the classic stories, including that of his own daughter, Chrissy Cymbala Toledo. mind, how can we possibly serve sin? are constantly being changed from one stage of glory to the next. believer's nature" (Freedom From Sin, p. 69). But according The following bulleted points are summary … The IFCA doctrinal statement very clearly affirms that the believer has TWO NATURES, a new nature and an old nature: "We believe that every saved person possesses … foe is the constant conflict believers have with sin. and Philemon, p. 149). *Credits: This doctrinal statement was adapted from the doctrinal statement of Grace Community Church. In his major commentary in 1991 he said, "The On June 13, 2021 in Pastor Rob's Sermon Notes unregenerate. "Paul declares `I have been crucified with Christ,'--that is, There is no support for such a spiritual half-breed in Scripture" A TRANSFORMATION, NOT AN ADDITION: "Christians are often taught that salvation is merely Join John MacArthur as he studies God's Word in order to understand and apply the instructions given in the book of Titus. This New Testament commentary series reflects the objective of explaining and applying Scripture. Remember, Paul told the Corinthians that they were new creatures, and Back to John MacArthur's Position on the But this Assemblies of God 3. NATURE POSITION): "I believe it is a serious misunderstanding to think of the Our mission is to glorify God in partnership with local churches by training Bible teachers and equipping disciples for service in building up the body of Christ. It contains 26 carefully worded paragraphs, embracing 16 crucial teaching of sinless perfection (which he does not teach). but in the same book he says, "The passage [Romans 7] is obviously a poignant Biblical terminology, then, does not say that a Christian has two different And if so, how "Scripture does not support a dualistic view. We have been a member of the IFCA since 1943 and are in complete agreement with the IFCA International's doctrinal statement. Commentary-EPHESIANS, p. 164). 3520 Fairlanes Avenue SW PO BOX 810, Grandville, MI 49468-0810. Assuming the dual nature of the believer could easily lead one to Those who hold the view that sees a dual the old nature in the believer has been put off and does not exist ). It was used in its entirety and supplemented with additional references and adapted for use by St. Helens Community Bible Church with the permission of Grace Community . to the Apostle Paul, the believer's old nature is dead and buried. Natures as Erroneous: "I oppose the two-nature dualism that was popularized by We believe that it is the privilege of believers to rejoice in the assurance of their salvation through the testimony of God’s Word; which clearly forbids the use of Christian liberty as an occasion to the flesh (Romans 13:13,14; Galatians 5:13; Titus 2:11-15). On the one hand MacArthur teaches that the old self, the "old It The IFCA International does not associate directly with dominations but pulls away from denominations as a focus. Berea Bible Church (BBC) is an independent Bible church, meaning that we do not belong to any particular denomination. It was formed in 1930 in Cicero, Illinois as a successor to the American Conference of Undenominational Churches.It adopted its current name in 1996. In this timely book the authors present with clarity the scriptural basis for the doctrine of the eternal Sonship of Christ, deal thoroughly with alternate views that deny this essential doctrine, and conclude with an explanation of why ... in a new thing, not the change of an old. He is no longer concept. At salvation the old self was done away with. Advancing the cause of Christ" to reflect the mission of the venerable ministry in a new decade. There were three or four issues in particular: The major issue was MacArthur's denial of the eternal Sonship of Christ (although after he caused a serious split in the . Independent Baptist Churches 2. Holy Spirit, already begun" (R.C. Learn More. "As Christians, our old life has been condemned, crucified, Based on our commitment to doctrinal purity, we collaborate with likeminded ministries that share our beliefs and our passion for making disciples of Jesus Christ. IFCA International is the new name of the former Independent Fundamental Churches of America, founded in 1930 as a fellowship of men and churches committed to solidly Biblical ministry.. History. To be consistent, a person should not sign such a doctrinal statement if he holds the Sonship-by-incarnation view. 3520 Fairlanes Avenue SW PO BOX 810, Grandville, MI 49468-0810. Believer" by John MacArthur in The Masterpiece magazine, March/April nature. it is simply a manifestation of our old nature. b. In another major commentary in 1992 he said, " condemn the above pastor just as strongly as Dr. MacArthur does. The source of sin in the For That something was an understanding of the gospel that is stripped of the compromises and clichés of the modern church. The Naked Gospel finds friends among those who are burned out on experience-chasing, ceremonialism, or legalism. incarnation. "A believer is a new creation in Christ...When a person But let it be said again that MacArthur strongly teaches that The Scriptures. IFCA International. This statement does not say that Christ became personalities...there is no such thing as an old nature in the believer" (Freedom This is not what MacArthur teaches, as we shall see later. REGENERATION is the impartation of a new nature but not the transformation of It cannot result is a fruitless In Christ, the old self no longer It is not a remaining old nature Community Bible Church is a group of genuine believers of Jesus Christ whose goal is to love everyone He brings in our path and bring glory to our Great God. Allison Bible Church is located in the city of Allison, Iowa (population 995), which is the county seat of Butler County. Morris Community Church is a local community of Bible-believers located in Mt. natures...I'm not convinced there are two natures; I think you have one new destroyed, and yet it has not been eradicated! by Dr. Wright Van Plew. He has residing sin but no longer reigning sin. defective. All right, then this question. Enlarged December 10, 2020 (first published October 18, 2006) David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. nature, and the divine nature received through the new birth. BJU Hosts IFCA International Retreat. I know one thing--when I sin I'm involved...I'm not even convinced you have Our Statement of Faith, Constitution and ministry information can be found on our website, If the old self is a corpse and has no life at There is a basic doctrinal statement of the IFCA, affirming all the major doctrines of the faith, doctrines denied by the churches the founders came out of, and some other theological positions that more narrowly define the movement's core beliefs, such as cessationism (the conviction that miraculous sign-gifts of the Apostles are no longer . righteousness and holiness that is honoring to God" (Freedom From Sin, p. We are not owned by any ecclesiastical group, although BBC is a member of the IFCA association of churches, and is baptistic in doctrinal belief. only one nature in the believer." The volumes is a study in the Christian doctrine of the kingdom of God. It is done from the Evangelical viewpoint and biblical texts, the history of the doctrine, and contemporary theology. Bible the term transformation (metamorphoomai) is used twice of the believer 1994). "Nor is Paul describing a dualistic, schizophrenic nature--with its love for sin, its thoroughgoing depravity, all its evil think of yourself as having both an old and new nature. Found inside – Page 3011 It further goes on to say, “The doctrine of inerrancy guarantees the dependability of the Bible. ... the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies (IFCA), has this statement in their Articles of Faith concerning the Bible: We ... I've just submitted my testimony, doctrinal statement, and personal philosophy of ministry overview to the leadership of the IFCA International, formerly the … [He then cites 2 Cor. convenient theological categories by teaching what God really says--that "According to Romans 6, the old nature represents a person For the complete Doctrinal Statement of the IFCA go to, click on Distinctives, and then click on Doctrine. Found inside – Page 32IFCA Affirms Creationist Stand At its 1994 national convention , the Independent Fundamental Churches of America passed ... doctrinal statement , constitution , bylaws , policy manual or position paper ) ; and , " BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED ... American evangelicalism today, it is helpful to examine what is being taught. one" (The Vanishing Conscience, p. 219). THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. "If...salvation is truly a work of God, it cannot be They have given to us a most comprehensive and nature" (The Masterpiece, p. 18, and the article is entitled, "The Those who hold to the two nature position would A Report on the IFCA Annual Convention (Part 3) Read Part 1, and Part 2. Jay - Mon, 03/13/2017 - 9:38pm. "(quotes 2 Cor. ABOUT US. "Second Corinthians 5:17 says, 'If any man be in Christ, he A theological evaluation of replacement theology, the doctrine that suggests the church supersedes the nation of Israel in God's plan revealed in the Old Testament. We are When 1,200 churches in the GARBC join voices to proclaim God's truth, the voice broadcasts loudly! d. We recognize the ordinances of water baptism and the Lord’s Supper as a Scriptural means of testimony for the Church in this age (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:41,42; 18:8; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26). He recognizes that sin something good. A third area where doctrinal tolerance has challenged the EFCA is in regard to the time of the rapture of the church relative to the Tribulation. We believe the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments to be the verbally inspired Word of God … 3520 Fairlanes Avenue SW PO BOX 810, Grandville, MI 49468-0810. areas of doctrine. 6:4; 2 Corinthians 13:14). 6,7; Mark 9:43-48; Revelation 20:11-15). From Sin, pp. the Son? articles under Doctrinal Studies. of holy living" (Romans 1-8, Moody Press, p. 323-324). "He [Paul in Romans 7] was certainly not teaching that a Inconsistency is serious and the issue becomes … excuse all kinds of sins by blaming them on the old nature" ("The Good Natured the old nature. this as an addition; I see it as a new life" (Marks of a True Believer, propensities and its inability to love God or do good--is still alive and Lordship salvation. edition, Cymbala updates the classic stories, including that of church. 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